Tuesday, February 06, 2007

David Broder Using The GOP Smear Campaign On Democrats

Oliver Willis

February 06, 2007

David Broder Libels Democrats


David Broder, the most insider of Washington insiders, perpetuates a lie and smears the Democratic party in "reporting" on this past weekend's meeting of the DNC.

One of the losers in the weekend oratorical marathon was retired Gen. Wesley Clark, who repeatedly invoked the West Point motto of "Duty, Honor, Country," forgetting that few in this particular audience have much experience with, or sympathy for, the military.

David Broder is a filthy liar, and the Washington Post ought to correct the slander he's published in their pages. For too long the Republican party and the conservative movement has smeared Democrats and liberals as not supportive of the troops, when time and time again it is the right who does not look out for their interests as Democrats and liberals time and time again fight for good foreign policy, veterans benefits, and the basics of body armor for our troops.

   The campaign of smear is all that the Republicans and their hawks have left. They have a lousy war record that is, in fact, the only thing that they have to stand on. Throw in the fact that very few of the Republicans take a stand on anything unless " the decider " tells them that it is okay do so .


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