Tuesday, February 06, 2007

On the GOP Blocking Senate Debate On Iraq

   We all have heard that the Dems got fucked by the Republicans and that there will be no open debate on Iraq and the resolutions that would have sprung from it. Not only did the Democrats in office get screwed, but the American public did also, as did our U.S. troops in Iraq!

   You can bet your ass that those Republican pieces of crap that are up for re-election in '08 will not be in office come '09! Some of the Democrats that went for this will also be selling shoes come '09!

   What the general public needs to be is to email your respective Senators and Congress people to tell them that the Iraq war funding needs to stop. This is the only way that we are going to get our people home and if this isn't done very quickly, the Bush Crime Family will have our people in Iran also. You can bet your ass that Iran isn't about nuclear weapons or necessarily about controlling the oil flow. It is more about power! Bush's to be exact.

    If we allow this punk to continue his escapades, I see him declaring martial law in the United States and I see the 2008 elections being postponed because of all of the shit that will be hitting the fan between the U.S., Iran, Iraq, and the majority of the middle east.

   If you haven't read this , please do. It might explain alot to you.

   Back to the Senate.


The deadlock came after Democrats refused a proposal by Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, that would have cleared the way for a floor fight on the Warner resolution in return for votes on two competing Republican alternatives that were more supportive of the president.

One of those alternatives, by Senator Judd Gregg, Republican of New Hampshire, would declare that Congress should not cut off any funds for forces in the field. That vote was seen as problematic for Democrats because many of them opposed any move to curtail spending, raising the prospect that it could have attracted the broadest support in the Senate.

 Forty-seven Democrats and two Republicans voted to open debate on the resolution; 45 Republicans and one independent were opposed.

But Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader, said that “time was tenuous” and that he would not guarantee that Democrats would try again to bring up the resolution. He did promise that there would be more clashes over Iraq policy as the Senate turned to measures like the president’s request for $100 billion in emergency Iraq spending.

“You can run but you can’t hide,” Mr. Reid told his Republican colleagues on the floor. “We are going to debate Iraq.”

                               IMPEACH! INDICT! IMPRISON!


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