Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell's Comments On " Meet The Press "

   A lot has been made today about Colin Powell's announcement that he will vote for Barack Obama instead of his long time friend John McCain. I'm listing some of the other questions and comments from the show.

NBC's " Meet The Press "

MR. BROKAW:  Let me as, you a couple of questions--quick questions as we wrap all of this up.  I know you're very close to President Bush 41.  Are you still in touch with him on a regular basis?  And what do you think he'll think about you this morning endorsing Barack Obama?

GEN. POWELL:  I will let President Bush 41, speak for himself and let others speak for themselves, just as I have spoken for myself.  Let me make one point, Tom, both Senator McCain and Senator Obama will be good presidents.  It isn't easy for me to disappoint Senator McCain in the way that I have this morning, and I regret that.  But I strongly believe that at this point in America's history, we need a president that will not just continue, even with a new face and with some changes and with some maverick aspects, who will not just continue, basically, the policies that we have been following in recent years.  I think we need a transformational figure.  I need--think we need a president who is a generational change.  And that's why I'm supporting Barack Obama.  Not out of any lack of respect or admiration for Senator John McCain.

MR. BROKAW:  You do know that there are supporters of Barack Obama who feel very strongly about his candidacy because he was opposed to the war from the beginning, and they're going to say, "Who needs Colin Powell?  He was the guy who helped get us into this mess."

GEN. POWELL:  I'm not here to get their approval or lack of approval.  I am here to express my view as to who I'm going to vote for.