Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bush Served His Masters Well

  You know that there is an ongoing rash of Bush bashing going on in the United States and in most other parts of the world. Maybe " bashing " is the wrong word, since most of what is being said about Bush is right on target.

   I am now going to make my annual stroll through Russia to see how they feel about George Bush.


Now George it is over. Your Faustian deal gave you eight years of illegal and undeserved power.

And did you make the most of it! You stole elections without hesitation, you lied without compunction, you started illegal wars without any consideration for international law, you shredded the Constitution without any respect for the check-and-balance system, you opened up concentration camps without any concern for the rule of law, and you maimed, tortured, and murdered without any regard for fundamental human rights.

You fiddled while New Orleans floundered, while your cronies in the oil industry drove prices through the roof, while war profiteers ruthlessly plundered Iraq, and while the economy suffered its worst decline in decades.

Yes George, you served your master well.

And he served you. The suffering you inflicted upon others never touched you—aside from a pair of poorly aimed shoes. You were never impeached, prosecuted or even censured as a war criminal. And the fact that you intend—as you stated in your final press briefing—to spend your days lounging on the beach, when you should be spending them in a prison cell, adds just another name to the historical list of evildoers who have been rewarded for their crimes.

Many critics claim that your arrogance, your ineptitude, and your self-serving distortions of the Christian faith are to blame for the eight-year nightmare you thrust upon the world. They say that history will recognize this, and perhaps not judge you so harshly.

If that be so then history will be a lie, because it will fail to recognize what millions of Americans also failed to recognize before you stole your first election: that you and your cronies are pure and simply evil.

One can vilify Hugo Chavez and the Mayan Indians all they want for openly recognizing this evil. The truth is that those Americans who refused to recognize your evil only confirmed that classic line from the movie THE USUAL SUSPECTS: “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”

Many Americans shared your arrogance, and it blinded them to your hypocrisy. “America,” they claimed, “was better than those petty dictatorships in third-world countries that loathe democracy, freedom and human rights.” And thus they allowed you to turn America into the very beast they claimed to abhor.

You condemned the tyranny of Saddam Hussein. Yes, he was an evil man. Yes, he placed people in illegal detention, used torture, rigged elections, and killed for political reasons. Yet, at the end of the day, his legacy is not much different from yours. So can it truly be called justice when he paid for his crimes with his life, while you “pay” for yours lounging about in a beachside mansion?     Read More...

David R. Hoffman
Legal Editor of