Wednesday, March 09, 2011

American Taliban Member Rick Snyder…

   …of Michigan has gone off the deep end, and that is putting it mildly.


If you have been reading the news over just the past few days alone, or watching the news shows online or on television, then you know about the republican governors American Taliban and their assault on not only the public workers, but also on what is basically your voting rights. The list goes on and on and on but I wish to focus on one of governor Snyder’s communist idea’s to help rob the people of the state while he enriches his corporate masters. Naturally, this schmucks ideas are not at all popular with real Americans who work ( ? ) and live from one check to the next.

   We will let Rachel Maddow fill you in on this clowns idea to give himself  a status of dictator in case he has to declare a state emergency.

American Taliban Governor Snyder

     Rise up everybody!