Saturday, April 30, 2011

Not A Good Day…

  … in the neighborhood. At least, not for me.

   For those of you who are into the Linux operating systems, you who use Ubuntu probably know by now that the latest version of the o/s came out just a few days ago. I will tell you right now, that you may wish to wait at least a month before up-grading to it, as it has its problems particularly with some of the programs that you may have installed.

  I am referring to one particular piece of software that I use quite frequently, Virtualbox. For those  who have no idea what that is or does, let me explain. I run Linux Ubuntu pretty much 99% of the time on my machine. However, there are times when I need to use software on Windows 7 that has no Linux equal, such as Windows Live Writer, my blogging software. I have to restart my laptop out of Linux and then bring up Windows just to use this 1 program, which can be annoying. That is where Virtualbox comes into play/

   One installs this program on your main O/S in order to run a different O/S without leaving your “ host “ system. In other words, I can run Windows pretty much inside my Ubuntu, thus saving a little bit of time.

   Anyway, I up-graded Ubuntu to the latest, and as luck would have it, Virtualbox also had an upgrade. Normally that would be a good thing, but not this time around. Virtualbox will not load for whatever reason. Was working just fine until I upgraded both toys.

   Until I correct this crap, there will not be to much added to this site today as I am not going to bounce back and forth between the operating systems.

   Have a great day!