Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Obama’s Budget Speech Looms: Wednesday Humor

   All of the talk today will be on what the President will propose so far as cutting the budget is concerned.  Of course, the middle class will be told that they must “ sacrifice “  and tighten their belts. Nothing new there. It is when Obama begins his assault on Medicare and Social Security that the shit will begin to hit the fan.

   More “ Concession we can believe in “ on the horizon?

Bill Maher: "Republicans are obsessed with abortion. If they really wanted to protect the weakest, most helpless people, wouldn't they protect the Democrats?"

"Today President Obama changed his slogan from 'Yes, We Can' to 'Have It Your Way.'" –Bill Maher, on Democrats capitulating to Republican budget demands

Jay Leno: "The Bravo Network has canceled 'Real Housewives of Washington, D.C.' At last a government shutdown we can feel good about."

Conan O'Brien : "Toyota says they're going to start integrating Microsoft technology into their vehicles. It's perfect for the person who wants a car that crashes every 10 minutes."