Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Budget: Republican Logic

  As is par for the course, the Republican Party  American Taliban have no logic, especially when it comes to ANY kind of budget.  So their plan now is to force the Democrats in to choosing between the GOP budget or the one from the Obama administration. That would be the budget proposal idea’s that the Dems haven’t come up with in the last 2 years. Read more.


by kos for Daily Kos    Tue May 24, 2011

Mitch McConnell

Mitch is very confused. (Reuters / Jonathan Ernst)

The GOP's new favorite talking point:

Republicans in both chambers are accusing Democrats of playing politics with the House budget vote, and they have tried to counterattack by pointing out that Democrats haven’t bothered in the past two years to come up with their own budget proposal.


[Senate Minority Leader Mitch] McConnell will counter Reid’s floor tactics by forcing Senate Democrats — who have to defend 23 seats in 2012 versus 10 for Republicans — to vote on the budget plan offered by President Barack Obama.

So which is it? Have Democrats offered up a budget plan or not? Because simple logic dictates that both cannot be true.

Not that logic has ever been an impediment for this Republican Party.

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