Thursday, June 09, 2011

The Newt Loses His Top Aides

  From the A.P.

Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich's campaign manager, senior strategists and key aides in early delegate-selection states all resigned on Thursday, a mass exodus that leaves his hopes of winning the Republican nomination in tatters.

Rick Tyler, Gingrich's spokesman, said he, campaign manager Rob Johnson and senior strategists had resigned, along with aides in the early primary and caucus states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Other officials said Gingrich was informed that his entire high command was quitting in a meeting earlier in the day. They cited differences over the direction of the campaign but were not more specific.

  That will pretty much put the nail in the coffin lid for Gingrich’s presidential aspirations. Not that the little man had any kind of a chance in the first place.

  Later days, Newt.