Friday, September 02, 2011

Friday Funnies: WTF Edition

   This has been a better week for me than most of the past ones have been thus far this summer. Naturally, things would begin looking up after the season has pretty much passed me by. I love the summer, but, I am more than happy that this one is almost over as it has been no vacation and not at all productive in any manner. That goes not only for myself, but many other Americans who are either losing ground in this economy or are already just getting by. If you live in the state of Florida, then you know what scraping the bottom of the barrel really is, and your criminal Governor Rick Scott and the his band of merry men up in the state capitol are doing nothing to help you because you do not make enough money to pay them off. Our congresscritters up in D.C. are doing nothing other than sucking up to Wall Street and the big corporate criminals to amass more cash for their re-election in 2012.  That hood in the White House is doing the same exact thing, while the rest of us are still hoping for some change that we can believe in. Unfortunately, that change is not going to happen this election cycle be cause you and I are both down to choosing between the lesser of 2 evils in the 2012 run for the White House.

Jay Leno: "How sad is it for the uncle? He got thrown in jail and the only relative he could call for bail money is $14 trillion in debt."

"Dick Cheney's new memoir contains some startling surprises. For example, he is still alive.