Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Arizona Governor Shows Some Sense

...What are the odds of an American Taliban governor doing the right thing? While still not to high, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vetoed not one, but two highly controversial bills on Monday, going against the general conservative idea's in the state. The first bill would have mandated that one have proof of United States citizenship in order to run for president, and the other bill would have allowed students, and everyone else, to carry guns on college campuses.

The so-called "birther bill," would have made Arizona the first state in the nation to require presidential candidates prove U.S. citizenship by providing a long form birth certificate, and other forms of proof including baptismal or circumcision certificates, to be placed on the state ballot.
"I never imagined being presented with a bill that could require candidates for president of the greatest and most powerful nation on earth to submit their 'early baptism or circumcision certificates' ... This is a bridge too far," she said..
Brewer also vetoed a bill that would have made Arizona the second state in the nation to allow an individual to carry a firearm -- either concealed or not -- in the public rights of way on higher education campuses, because it was "so poorly written." Brewer said shortcomings in the bill included a failure to define "public rights of way" and the inclusion of state schools, where firearms are prohibited by federal and state laws.
Brewer vetoed the gun bill only because she did not like the way that it was written, so you can expect that bill to come around at a later date, when it will pass. Currently, Utah is the only state in the country allowing handguns inside campus buildings.