Thursday, December 26, 2013

Good WaPo editorial on "Keep Your Own Doctor"

  By wvmcl on Thursday, Dec 26, 2013

I’ve been critical of a lot of the Washington Post’s coverage of ACA implementation, but sometimes they get it right, and they did in the Dec 26 editorial titled “Health Care Economics 101.” 

The piece points out that, alongside all the hand wringing about keeping or not keeping your own doctor, the move to narrower networks is a simple matter of free market economics.  We hear a lot about “choice” in health care providers, but we tend to forget that our choices have price tags attached.  I may choose to drive a Cadillac, but if my budget won’t allow it, I’ll be driving a Chevy instead. 

As the editorial points out, negotiated rates with a network of providers is one of the few tools available to insurance companies for controlling costs, especially now that they are required to provide coverage for all comers.  In the past they were able to control their costs by excluding the most in need.  Now that this is no longer possible, negotiation of favorable rates becomes even more important if insurers are to offer affordably-priced plans. 

After the break, a list of points to keep in mind about the whole “choose your own doctor” thing, which I suspect we’ll be hearing a lot about in the weeks and month ahead. 

Some points:

1.  You can see any doctor you want, as long as you pay for it yourself. This point may seem obvious or flip, but I think it needs to be stated up front.  There is nothing in the ACA that forbids you from going to any provider who will take your money.  Just because you have insurance doesn’t mean you are required to use it.  The only question is what will be reimbursed and at what rate. 

An obvious corollary to this is that, if you are uninsured, you have complete freedom to "choose your own doctor," since you will have to pay the cost out-of-pocket in any case. 

2. He/she is not “your” doctor. To say “my doctor” is just a manner of speaking, the same way we say “my garage” or “my hairdresser.”  They don’t, of course, belong to us.  “My garage,” the place I take my car to be fixed, is a business from which I purchase services.  If it closes down or stops providing services I want to purchase, I will have to find an alternative.  The same is true of health care providers.  The old family doctor whom we saw for a lifetime was always something of a myth and certainly is today.

3.  The exchanges should eventually provide a range of options. It’s early days yet for the ACA exchanges.  As the reform matures, more options should be provided if consumers demand them and are willing to pay for them.  Plans with narrower networks will, generally speaking, be cheaper.  Plans that provide a wider range of providers will be more expensive. 

Many employer-based plans (such as my own) have a two-tier reimbursement system – a higher rate for in-network and a lower rate for out-of-network.  This type of plan lets you use any provider as long as you are willing to foot the extra cost to go out-of-network.  As the exchanges develop, these types of plans may become more widely available on the exchanges. Again, consumers will have to decide whether the extra choice is worth the extra expense. 

4.  You can get the care you need within the network. In almost all cases, I expect that the networks of reputable insurers will include the complete range of specialties and services you will need for virtually any medical condition.  Medical procedures are pretty well standardized these days.  Another myth that is floating around is the super specialist or institution that is the only one that can cure your particular ailment. This is the stuff of fiction (Breaking Bad, for instance) but is rarely the case in reality.  In those highly unusual cases in which a particular specialist or procedure is need for a rare condition, many plans have an option to go out-of-network with pre-approval from the plan.  That means you will have to negotiate with your insurer, but what else is new?

If the network you are using proves unsatisfactory, you will have the opportunity to change insurers at least once a year.  This is where good old free market economics should come into the picture, encouraging insurers to provide the products that people want to buy.

Some locations, particularly rural areas and some red states, may have a limited range of network options, at least at first.  I’m hopeful that this will improve as participation rates grow. However, part of this is simply the age old urban-rural gap.  If you live in a big city, you will have more health care options (along with traffic, pollution, crime, etc.).  Rural areas have a quieter life, but you may need to travel further for health care.  Another choice.   

      I’m presenting these points as a way of trying to organize my own thinking and that of others on this complex topic, which, as I say, I think we will be hearing a lot more about in the months to come.  Will appreciate any additional thoughts from readers. 

Originally posted to wvmcl on Thu Dec 26, 2013
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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

560 Major world authors: A society under surveillance is no longer a democracy

Mon Dec 09, 2013

So says 560 of the world's leading writers in an Open Appeal they signed: "A Stand for Democracy in the Digital Age"

[Since this is an Open Letter, and there is no copyright at the site I've copied from, the Open Appeal is posted in full. If there's a problem, someone let me know.]

In recent months, the extent of mass surveillance has become common knowledge. With a few clicks of the mouse the state can access your mobile device, your e-mail, your social networking and Internet searches. It can follow your political leanings and activities and, in partnership with Internet corporations, it collects and stores your data, and thus can predict your consumption and behaviour.

The basic pillar of democracy is the inviolable integrity of the individual. Human integrity extends beyond the physical body. In their thoughts and in their personal environments and communications, all humans have the right to remain unobserved and unmolested.

This fundamental human right has been rendered null and void through abuse of technological developments by states and corporations for mass surveillance purposes.

A person under surveillance is no longer free; a society under surveillance is no longer a democracy. To maintain any validity, our democratic rights must apply in virtual as in real space.

* Surveillance violates the private sphere and compromises freedom of thought and opinion.

* Mass surveillance treats every citizen as a potential suspect. It overturns one of our historical triumphs, the presumption of innocence.

* Surveillance makes the individual transparent, while the state and the corporation operate in secret. As we have seen, this power is being systemically abused.

* Surveillance is theft. This data is not public property: it belongs to us. When it is used to predict our behaviour, we are robbed of something else: the principle of free will crucial to democratic liberty.

WE DEMAND THE RIGHT for all people to determine, as democratic citizens, to what extent their personal data may be legally collected, stored and processed, and by whom; to obtain information on where their data is stored and how it is being used; to obtain the deletion of their data if it has been illegally collected and stored.


WE CALL ON ALL CITIZENS to stand up and defend these rights.

At what I take to be the website for this we can read the background on this group's formation:
Public Intervention: 560 authors from 83 countries have signed an appeal against mass surveillance.
There is hardly any issue more pressing than systematic mass surveillance and the dangers it poses to democracy and civil liberties.

Under the name "Writers Against Mass Surveillance", a small group of authors has formulated an international appeal, signed by more than 500 renowned authors from around the world, including five Nobel Prize Laureates. It calls for an "International Bill of Digital Rights,“ demands that the United Nations passes a binding convention to protect civil rights in the digital age and calls upon all citizens to stand up and defend these rights.

It is noted in the Huffingtonpost  account that an attempt is going on right now to weaken a U.N. Digital Rights resolution, lead by the US, with our puppies the UK and Australia coming along on the effort.

The US and UK are probably the most surveilled societies on earth at this point. In all of human history. Who needs to turn family members into rats when you can get everyone to turn themselves in just by living. Orwell looks like a piker of the imagination in his fantasy of how far this kind of thing would go.

(More below the DailyKos fleur.)

So two points to make about this:

Yes, please, we have to stay centered in our humanity above all. And that means 'privacy' today is pretty much what the humans behind 'privacy' at the nation's founding meant.

Then, there was paper and talking if you wanted to say anything. It was resolved that there would be no interference with personally-generated papers and speech among people. The object was the person's freedom to express. The object of that being to let the best ideas and courses be heard, and develop, so we can properly self-govern. Democracy, in short.

The fact that we now communicate with the additional option of electrons does not change the requirements of a real democracy. Nor of the human need, and right, to feel space to express ourselves about serious matters.

The idea that 'it's out there and whoever can get it will' ignores that we can as easily write software to instantly obliterate traces as it is to track them; or laws to forbid looking at such traces. The idea ignores that takes a deliberate act of will and commitment of material resources to keep hold of data. That can simply be forbidden.

If a business wants to make money from my existence, and my doings, then first get me to agree in principal to my participation, Then lets talk about what fees and royalties I get.

If government suspects a crime, get a warrant based on probable cause and have at it. Stop pissing away vast resources to catch little to nothing, except the free soul of the people.

Someone looks through your window to see what you're typing, someone puts a line into your phone, someone follows you on the streets, looks at your purchases, sees who you talk to, monitors your activities in public.... in real life we call that 'someone' a Stalker.

Just because there's electrons involved doesn't stop it from being Stalking.

The other thing is an experiment I have in mind.

I think we'd all have our minds boggled if the Media were to promote this Open Appeal event with any intensity at all.

Soon after President Jimmy Carter told (Spiegel I think it was) that "The United States is not a functioning Democracy" I thought a test of whether or not the much-vaunted internet, ...

...which will change everything for the last 20 years, but hasn't changed the 1%s victorious roll-over of Democracy...

could be a base from which to hound the mass-reach Corporate Media with "We want to hear more about what the President has said, and what it means, and if it's true." Until they started talking about it as a top story for a long time.

Pres. Carter's statement, not so many years ago, would have been a 'newsflash' 'stop the presses' kind of moment. They walked right by it though, as if it never happened.

So low have we fallen.

What if we, on the internet, brow-beat our media outlets until they were forced to cover the story; forced to interview Noble Prize winning authors; .... Or can they be forced?

An interesting test of our prowess, no?

Originally posted to Jim P on Mon Dec 09, 2013