Sunday, February 10, 2008

John McCain: Other Son Of George Bush?


   Resident Bush did a taped interview for " Fox News Sunday " and had a few things to say about his other son, Senator John McCain.

   First, Bush had the nerve to say that McCain is a "true conservative."

   Yes he is. another one of those conservative's who will spend this country even further down into oblivion just so that he can line his corporate master's pockets and bankrupt the country.

  President Bush:"He is tough fiscally. He believes the tax cuts ought to be permanent. He is pro-life. His principles are sound and solid as far as I'm concerned."

  As if Bush would know anything about sound principals or any kind of principal.

     "I think that if John is the nominee, he has got some convincing to do to convince people that he is a solid conservative and I'll be glad to help him if he is the nominee."

  More quotes from Bush interview:

    "I think the experts would tell you we are not in recession. ... But I will tell you that the signs are troubling enough that we all came together and got a robust (economic stimulus) package out."

"Whatever we have done was legal, and whatever decision I will make will be reviewed by the Justice Department to determine whether or not the legality is there."    concerning waterboarding

"We will be there at the invitation of the Iraqi government. ... We won't have permanent bases. I do believe it is in our interests and the interests of the Iraqi people that we do enter into an agreement on how we are going to conduct ourselves over the next years."    concerning our visit to Iraq

Do we really need another Bush in the White House? I think not.