This was the question that Al Jazeera posed to its readers today after Tony Blair said British troops would be scaling back in their Iraqi presence.
An announcement by Tony Blair, the British prime minister, that the UK is to reduce its troops in Iraq has been hailed as a rejection of US military strategy by political opponents of George Bush. Will Bush's Iraq plan still work?
Added: Saturday, 24 February 2007
Blair took those troops out of Iraq only to send them to Afghanistan to help with the insurgence of the Taliban. It was not an altruistic move but a calculated one. We all know the Taliban is regrouping and about to mount attacks on whoever is in their way. I have become completely cynical with all things coming out the mouths of the two, Blair or Bush.
bainatluc, Kitchener, Canada
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Added: Saturday, 24 February 2007
No need for the use of the future tense, the plan has worked and works perfectly. The proof? A one piece Iraq is already history. Thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians are no more of this world, Iraqi women are 'free' for rape. Please complete the list.
al_morro, Mexico, Mexico
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Added: Saturday, 24 February 2007
NEVER - because it was not a democratic action.
Helmut, Simpang Ampat-Penang, Malaysia
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Added: Saturday, 24 February 2007
Tony Blair has announced British troop withdrawls not because the war has been won, but because it cannot be won, Basra is not a stable and democratic city but a war-torn hell, ruled by Muslim militias. Blair is a true soldier of fortune, young men do the soldiering and he gets the fortune. After he steps down as PM watch out for him on the US lecture circuit at 50,000 dollors a throw, he should be ashamed of himself.
Verity, Liverpool, United Kingdom
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Added: Saturday, 24 February 2007
To the person from Iraq who posted. Great. Can more people post? Or are you posting from a US or an Iraqi base camp which has satellite internet? I know and met Iraqi civilians in university and they all speak excellent English, so I hope they will post from Iraq. You know, we get our news from CNN, which shows us spectacular fireworks, the pride of the US army. What CNN and FOX didn't show us were the thousands of Iraqi women, men, fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers and children killed. It doesn't show the orphans on the Syrian border. in Quebec, we get TV5 and the European coverage is very different, it does provide us with a reality check about what is going on Iraq, about what the fireworks have done in terms of destructions, where the Sunni intellectuals have gone, the repression, the searches in the homes with no warning which terrify the children. We do get to see some of that on TV5, so I hope real Iraqi civilians will post, if they are capable, I mean those not associated to the US armny.
Evie, Montreal, Canada
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Added: Saturday, 24 February 2007
Yes, Bush's plan can work. First, Iraqis must recognize that it is really a plan developed by their own prime minister to unite their country. Bush is not responsible for a man strapping a bomb to his chest in hopes of blowing up innocent people. That is that man's responsibility. Peace in Iraq will happen when citizens of that country realize that they can express their ideas and views more effectively through their elected officials than with violence. Peace starts with tolerance, and not just of the West, but of your neighbour's faith. God loves, He doesn't hate.
jbernar5, Toledo, USA
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Added: Saturday, 24 February 2007
This is Bush's baby which has failed. He started all this and now he is instigating the word Shia' and 'Sunnis' to add to the violence. I think once the US is out of Iraq only then can peace be returned.
huzaiffa, JUbail, Saudi Arabia