We all know that Fox News and Matt Drudge are nothing more than propaganda arms of the Bush Crime Family up in the White House.
Even today, after the drubbing that the Republicans took in November, Fox and Drudge still have quite a viewing and reading audience who eats their lies and deception up as if there was some truth to it.
The " fairly unbalanced " news channel and Drudge live off of their ignorant viewers and readers just as do wrestling fans of the WCW or some other group even though they know that the action is fake.
The blogger's have had enough of Fox and it's partisan bend on events and are striking back.
The Nevada Democratic Party and the Western Majority Project said last week that they would be working with Fox News to host a democratic debate in Reno in August. That did not go over with many of us who remember the shenanigans that Fox pulled last time they had Democrats on the stage.
AlterNet By Don Hazen, AlterNet. Posted February 22, 2007.
Not so fast says MoveOn, Free Press, and others. Petition campaigns are under way, aimed at the Nevada Democrats and the DNC, applying serious heat to drop Fox's control of the event because it is not a legitimate news organization. There are also plans to target Fox's advertisers in a campaign reminiscent of an earlier successful one against Sinclair Broadcasting for its nightly rabid right-wing harangues that were forced upon their affiliate's news shows.
The anti-Kerry campaign stands as the gold standard for conservatives' ability to get the mainstream media to carry their message without doing their own work -- even creating a new verb for the political lexicon -- swiftboating.
But the progressive internet media and blogosphere are pushing back, using the speed and versatility of the web to whack the conservative "wing nuts" and pandering candidates with some of their own tools -- albeit stopping far short of making stuff up.
Lots of people tend to dismiss Fox's influence, saying that they have been discredited among those who matter, and its audience is mainly conservatives who are beyond reason. But that notion misses the point, as Fox's audience is larger than CNN and MSNBC combined, and many watch it for its perceived entertainment value.
Filmmaker Greenwald feels adamant that in order to hold Fox accountable, Democratic candidates should not go on their shows:
Day after day, week after week, Fox viciously and brutally attacks, maligns and tries to destroy our values. And we participate in this obscenity to get some airtime? We are nuts to keep going on without a good fight about the rules. We should push back on them.The idea that we will outsmart, outmanipulate, out-talk Hannity and O'Reilly on an ongoing basis is nonsense. And I say this having studied O'Reilly for a year. But there seems to be little appetite from our side, especially the politicians, to play hardball. Remember, Fox News is dead and gone if we don't go on so they have someone to fight with.
...in the end the blogs and the progressive Internet can play a forceful role against Fox.
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