Tuesday, February 20, 2007

McCain Defends Conservative Christian Butt Kissing

    The McCain train has rolled into Vero Beach, Florida on Monday after a short stop in Orlando. I wonder if he visited his imaginary castle in his mental disneyland.

   He has gone on the defensive over his kissing up to Christian conservatives just to win the presidential nomination. his stop in Orlando was a visit to religious broadcasters.    MORE BELOW


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"I don't know which part of the party is going to be more influential or not," McCain said. "I've tried always in my political career to have a big tent party where a lot of people are welcome with differing views."

The Rev. Patrick Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition said after McCain's private meeting in Orlando that he helped repair damage with Christian conservatives.

"He recognized he cannot be president of the United States without reaching out to the evangelicals," Mahoney said. "There definitely is an uneasy relationship between McCain and people of faith, but he is reaching out and he is breaking down those walls. He helped himself in that room tremendously today."

       Herein lies the problem! You must be an evangelical ass kisser if you want to be the president and I have no doubt that John McCain kissed some butt today!

    The so-called Christian right needs to be knocked down a peg or two and they need to go back to their churches and teach about God or whatever crap they are telling the poor folks attending a church in this day and age.

   I don't know about you, but I've had enough of the " religious right " moving our countries politics into a very bad direction. Just think of the last six years for a simple reminder.

    These idiots that McCain is making all nice with are no more true " Christians " than Satan is!

   Go home McCain. We've had enough of you already!