Saturday, May 19, 2007

Sunday Morning Funnies With Our Favorite Politicians

     While everyone else in the universe (mostly) will be covering the usual Sunday morning political pundits who happen to be making the interview shows, I've decided to post some of the latest jokes from our lovely late night comedians and maybe even a few politicians themselves.

"The head of the World Bank, Paul Wolfowitz, resigned after getting in trouble. He promoted his girlfriend and gave her a job at the Bank. That's big news. A Republican forced out over a sex scandal involving ... a woman?!" --Jay Leno

"Porn star Jenna Jameson has officially endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. So, looks like Bill already calling in all the favors." --Jay Leno

"Republicans in Texas think you need a course on how to keep a marriage together. Who's going to teach it? Rudy Giuliani? Newt Gingrich?" --Jay Leno

"Last night, they had another Republican presidential debate. ... Did you see those Republican candidates? They looked like the evil law firm in a John Grisham movie." --David Letterman

"Last night marked the second Republican debate. And the main difference this time? [on screen: Fox News Channel's Brit Hume saying the debate is being sponsored by Fox News and the SC GOP]. Isn't that redundant?" --Jon Stewart

"I'm happy to report that Vice President Dick Cheney has returned from the Middle East. And he certainly straightened that mess out. ... He made a stop in Egypt, as a matter of fact, on the way home. Apparently, Halliburton wants to rebuild the pyramids." --David Letterman

"President Bush's approval ratings have taken somewhat of a dive. A senior slump, if you will. Leading President Bush to one conclusion: He is the only one who realizes what a great job he's being doing." --Jon Stewart

"You know if I had nickel for every time Bush has mentioned 9/11, I could raise enough reward money to go after Bin Laden." --Jon Stewart

"I stand by this man because he stands for things. Not only for things, he stands on things. Things like aircraft carriers, and rubble, and recently flooded city squares. And that sends a strong message that no matter what happens to America she will always rebound with the most powerfully staged photo-ops in the world." --Stephen Colbert, at the WHCD


Baghdad Is Home To Worlds Largest Embassy

  In case you haven't read about it or seen it on the news stations yet, I am going to tell you about our new embassy compound in Baghdad, Iraq.

   First off, as is usual with anything the Bush crime family does, the embassy will be the most expensive one in the world and the largest one also.

   It is a 104-acre compound and you can bet that it is super secure and has all of the latest high-tech security gadgets in it and around it.

  If you are familiar with the Washington National Mall, then you know almost how big this place is as it would occupy an area two-thirds the size of the mall at a cost of  $592 million with enough desk area for 1,000 people. This is a 21-building complex so you can pretty much guess, correctly, that the United States is going to be there in some form for a very long time, maybe with limited troop deployment.

   It is noted by the Huffington Post  that this task is one of the very few undertaken by this administration that is within budget and on schedule.

  Of course it is. Bush and the rest of the Bushco Mafia can't waste time on their future hide-out, now can they. All of those ExxonMobile, BP executives have to have some place really safe to hang out in while they count their profits from that Iraqi oil that they are going to steal.

  One other tidbit:

The State Department and Congress have tussled this year over a $50 million request for additional blast-resistant housing. The department says it did not anticipate needing so many fortified apartments when the embassy was in the planning stages three years ago and Iraq was a less violent place.

The new Democratic-controlled Congress has grumbled about the approximately $1 billion annual cost of embassy operations in Iraq and told the administration the embassy is overstaffed at roughly 1,000 regular employees. Add security contractors, locally hired staff and others and the number climbs to more than 4,000.

"This is another case where poor planning, skyrocketing costs and security concerns are colliding in the Bush administration's policies in Iraq, and we need to make adjustments," said Sen. Patrick Leahy, chairman of the Senate panel that pays for State Department operations.

"They want hundreds of additional embassy staff who they cannot safely house within the new embassy compound. It's time for a reality check," said Leahy, D-Vt.   Huffington Post

   The embassy is set to open in September, so make your vacation plans and book your rooms now for the festivities!


Michael Moore Speaks To Conservatives

  Michael Moore letter to Conservatives a week after the November elections. I just happened to find this while browsing around the Internet and I thought that I would pass it on to you in case you haven't read it yet.


Tuesday, November 14th, 2006
A Liberal's Pledge to Disheartened Conservatives Michael Moore

To My Conservative Brothers and Sisters,

I know you are dismayed and disheartened at the results of last week's election. You're worried that the country is heading toward a very bad place you don't want it to go. Your 12-year Republican Revolution has ended with so much yet to do, so many promises left unfulfilled. You are in a funk, and I understand.

Well, cheer up, my friends! Do not despair. I have good news for you. I, and the millions of others who are now in charge with our Democratic Congress, have a pledge we would like to make to you, a list of promises that we offer you because we value you as our fellow Americans. You deserve to know what we plan to do with our newfound power -- and, to be specific, what we will do to you and for you.

Thus, here is our Liberal's Pledge to Disheartened Conservatives:

Dear Conservatives and Republicans,

I, and my fellow signatories, hereby make these promises to you:

1. We will always respect you for your conservative beliefs. We will never, ever, call you "unpatriotic" simply because you disagree with us. In fact, we encourage you to dissent and disagree with us.

2. We will let you marry whomever you want, even when some of us consider your behavior to be "different" or "immoral." Who you marry is none of our business. Love and be in love -- it's a wonderful gift.

3. We will not spend your grandchildren's money on our personal whims or to enrich our friends. It's your checkbook, too, and we will balance it for you.

4. When we soon bring our sons and daughters home from Iraq, we will bring your sons and daughters home, too. They deserve to live. We promise never to send your kids off to war based on either a mistake or a lie.

5. When we make America the last Western democracy to have universal health coverage, and all Americans are able to get help when they fall ill, we promise that you, too, will be able to see a doctor, regardless of your ability to pay. And when stem cell research delivers treatments and cures for diseases that affect you and your loved ones, we'll make sure those advances are available to you and your family, too.

6. Even though you have opposed environmental regulation, when we clean up our air and water, we, the Democratic majority, will let you, too, breathe the cleaner air and drink the purer water.

7. Should a mass murderer ever kill 3,000 people on our soil, we will devote every single resource to tracking him down and bringing him to justice. Immediately. We will protect you.

8. We will never stick our nose in your bedroom or your womb. What you do there as consenting adults is your business. We will continue to count your age from the moment you were born, not the moment you were conceived.

9. We will not take away your hunting guns. If you need an automatic weapon or a handgun to kill a bird or a deer, then you really aren't much of a hunter and you should, perhaps, pick up another sport. We will make our streets and schools as free as we can from these weapons and we will protect your children just as we would protect ours.

10. When we raise the minimum wage, we will pay you -- and your employees -- that new wage, too. When women are finally paid what men make, we will pay conservative women that wage, too.

11. We will respect your religious beliefs, even when you don't put those beliefs into practice. In fact, we will actively seek to promote your most radical religious beliefs ("Blessed are the poor," "Blessed are the peacemakers," "Love your enemies," "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God," and "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."). We will let people in other countries know that God doesn't just bless America, he blesses everyone. We will discourage religious intolerance and fanaticism -- starting with the fanaticism here at home, thus setting a good example for the rest of the world.

12. We will not tolerate politicians who are corrupt and who are bought and paid for by the rich. We will go after any elected leader who puts him or herself ahead of the people. And we promise you we will go after the corrupt politicians on our side FIRST. If we fail to do this, we need you to call us on it. Simply because we are in power does not give us the right to turn our heads the other way when our party goes astray. Please perform this important duty as the loyal opposition.

I promise all of the above to you because this is your country, too. You are every bit as American as we are. We are all in this together. We sink or swim as one. Thank you for your years of service to this country and for giving us the opportunity to see if we can make things a bit better for our 300 million fellow Americans -- and for the rest of the world.


Michael Moore
P.S. Please feel free to pass this on.



As Some Warn Victory, Some Downfall

  It does not get any better than this!

Published on Friday, May 18, 2007 by

As Some Warn Victory, Some Downfall

by Christopher Cooper

I guess we’ll annoy some people here today. Ah, well, yes, and who’s surprised about that? Anybody expecting this corner of the page to deliver comfortable conciliation will long since have learned to seek elsewhere. We come seldom to encourage enthusiasm for the quality of our present accommodation and the solidity of its ride. Alarm more often is our message as we hurry from car to car crying out that the trestle is gone, the engineer drunk or dead, the fireman and conductor about to jump into the puckerbrush with the mailbags full of payroll cash and pension checks.

What may surprise even regular readers, if I can tie my thoughts into a coherent package before the editor comes ‘round to tell me I’ve used up my space and the patience and tolerance of God Almighty his own self, will be just how comprehensively offensive I can be, perhaps alienating right, left and center to such a degree as to engender a true bipartisanship of outrage, although each of course shall be aghast at different points and paragraphs.

I have kept myself in line since the twenty-second of January, when last I confronted this topic. In five columns since then I have presented my thoughts on 1) the quality of editing my pieces endure (a subject itself suggested by a disgusted reader); 2) Sonny and Cher Muslims, a pleasant diversion containing some small kernels of deeper thought that may have passed unnoticed; 3) Maine town meetings, a subject I return to periodically and in the furtherance of which I only incidentally, for contrast, ridicule other, lesser towns than my own; 4) Don Imus, in which piece I appear to have extolled the virtues of both free speech and vulgarity; and 5) a particular, expensive brand of hardware (screws) I like and buy and use, together with appreciative comments concerning several salespersons involved with the product and some general ideas about universal brotherhood and the meaning of interpersonal relationships, honesty, integrity and the value, even to the disaffected, iconoclastic, surly writers of unwieldy essays, of a little bit of the human touch.

So it does seem about time for something just a bit more tart, doesn’t it? OK. Give me ten minutes more and we can both have this behind us.

Subject: The War. Reference: The Republicans. Conclusion: You can waste your summer praying in vain for these people to reconnect with reality. “Stay the course”? What course? The “Surge”? More like a great Flush-more money (billions), more bodies, more social, economic, environmental, spiritual ruin. Stay until we win? Tell me what winning looks like. Until “We get the job done”? What job ? If killing every Iraqi who might now or soon or someday develop a hatred of American policy (different, please understand, from hating America or hating Americans or hating freedom) is our goal, our endgame, our exit strategy, then load up the nukes and let the games begin, because a war of total annihilation we can win, in short order. With, of course, its own consequences, known, unknown and (God, I miss Rummy!), unknown unknown.

But you and I are no safer for one more day or dollar of war. We are in fact less safe the longer we throw our weight around in this country we’ve devastated because of a series of lies too many of us were too eager to believe. Saddam is dead. Feel better? Saddam was a clown, a jerk, a bully. He gassed the Kurds with Rumsfeld’s blessing. Rummy’s Gone; Saddam’s gone. Mission Accomplished. Here’s the irrefutable truth: George Bush and Dick Cheney are responsible for many more dead Americans than Saddam Hussein ever was. And (if any of us cares), more dead Iraqis than Saddam, too.

Support the Commander In Chief? Why? Look, I sort of feel sorry for the guy. He was doomed by birth. Had he been adopted into a decent blue collar family of modest means he might have grown up and found an honest job in the construction trades. I think, with direction and encouragement, he could have learned to sand drywall effectively; possibly, with enough practice, he might have learned to apply tape and mud. But President of the United States? The crop of half-crazies and dim bulbs and religious zealots vying for the Republican nomination are pleased to invoke the name of Ronald Reagan, a dead B-movie actor and shill for Boraxo who slept through cabinet meetings, but none too eager to be seen in public with W.

So we need to elect a Democrat. Do we? Didn’t we do just that last November? Gave ‘em a majority in the House and another in the Senate and, according to every proper columnist and commentator I’ve read or heard, sent ‘em a message. The message? Stop the war. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid said they understood. In their way and in the fullness of time, nothing sudden or precipitate or radical, you understand, they produced a bill to fund the war a majority of voters want to get out of. Fund it big-time (yes, many more billions) with some minor recommendations and meaningless “benchmarks” for measuring Iraqi performance. (Yes, the conventional wisdom now assigns blame for our fix to the Iraqis, for failing to “step up”.)

Well, W. said that timid bill, which gave him every dime he wanted for bombs and blood and his buddies at Halliburton, gave comfort to “America’s Enemies” (by which I guess he probably didn’t mean Dick Cheney, although I’d give him Public Enemy Number One status) and he’d not sign it. So the Democrats talked among themselves about compromise. They had a meeting with the president. They talked about funding for two months at a time. They talked about some “advisory” language they might slip in to the grant of funds. Bush stood firm against “tying the hands of our commanders in the field” even as one of those recently in the field bought TV time to urge us to get out and go home and stop killing them and fooling ourselves.

Before Bush vetoed the first bill candidate Obama said Congress should send him a second bill that he would find palatable enough to sign. Candidate Clinton said if she’d known back then what she knows now…. She did know. We all knew. Some of us chose to not admit what we knew, even to ourselves. It was war fever time. The handwriting was on the wall. It was get Saddam, show the big stick, kick ass, smoke ‘em, burn ‘em, make somebody pay. It was wrong then, Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Reid. It’s wrong now. Are you against the war, Congressmen and Congresswomen? Of course you are, all but thirteen Democrats. Should we cut our losses? The public says yes. Every day we stay we get further into the hole. Every night Public Television shows the pictures of our dead children “as their names are made public and as photographs become available.” There is no “win.” There is only an end with today’s toll of dead or tomorrow’s or next week’s, thirty-five hundred or four thousand, a hundred or so a month.

We’ll leave eventually. We will not have won. We will only have wasted an as yet undetermined amount of money and killed some greater number of men and women and children. We kill children every day, you know. Shoot ‘em, bomb, ‘em, burn ‘em. Are we proud of that?

Congressional Republicans are increasingly embarrassed by their president. Some are even ashamed of him, possibly of themselves. None of them wants to run for office or field a Republican candidate for president with this war still surging. Democrats, I think, wouldn’t mind seeing it still festering somewhat closer to election day. I know that sounds cynical, but how else can we interpret their half-hearted, weak, enabling legislation? This war is bad, it’s wrong, it’s stupid. It’s ruined Iraq, damaged America’s reputation, and made every one of us less secure. Support the troops? Sure thing. Send Bush a bill directing him to disengage with all speed consistent with the safe extrication of our men and women and those Iraqi interpreters and allies and employees whose association with us puts them and their families at risk. Give him enough money for airplanes or troop ships or trains to Turkey -enough to bring them home.

Every dead soldier since the new Congress convened may now be laid equally at the threshold of Democratic as well as Republican conscience. It’s just this easy, Senators. Use it without royalty or attribution; I give it to you because few of you seem able to compose such a thought out of your own minds and hearts: I support our troops and will vote to stop paying to put them to death in this war which serves no worthwhile, decent, humane interest and cannot be won according to any rational use of the term.

Bush will veto any funding bill you send him if he doesn’t like the language. He’ll whine that cutting off funding is un-American. That was an effective strategy five years ago; it worked well enough even as he rejected the recommendations of his own Baker Commission and sold this preposterous “surge” idea (if what we’re doing isn’t working, we’ll do it harder and faster). It won’t work now. It took six years, but here’s what we all know now: the president is a loser, his election and re-election were terrible mistakes, and the war is undermining the moral foundations of our once-great country.

Anybody who likes this war should sign on to it. Send his or her son and daughter. Send the Pentagon a generous check toward the cost. Support the troops? Go die in the desert so they don’t have to. Yellow ribbons tied to a power pole or a string of made in China toy flags along a bridge rail don’t do the job five long years into the butchery.

I wish I thought electing Democrats these days made much difference. I wish I thought the anguish ninety or a hundred families feel every month when they see a brace of officers coming up their front walks bearing that unspeakably terrible salutation could somehow seep into each of our hearts and make us turn off the ball game or the car race or walk out of the Spiderman sequel and demand that somebody, anybody, either party, do the right thing. Right now.

Mr. Cooper wishes to assure his readers that he is even more weary of writing about the dangerous criminals running our country, the lame compromisers managing the useless Democratic response, the careful corporate press, and voters for whom babies blown to bits with their tax dollars today are less interesting than lies and fables still circulating on talk radio about the “Heroes of 9/11″ than they are tired of reading him on these subjects. But how does he, how does anyone not return to this awful reality every day? How can he not think about these things and, thinking, necessarily write, using the only weak, small tool he owns against this monstrous perversion? He regrets he has no answers, only outrage and disgust and fear. For those who ask his recommendation for personal action, he offers only this: Ignore your Republican representatives–they are too corrupted to save or instruct or enlighten; write to your Democratic ones only to tell them, “No compromise, no retreat, no surrender–and no more time to waste.” Write him if you like at


John McCain Foul-Mouths Another Senator and He Misses Another Vote ( 43 Straight )

   Here is a nifty on one of  John McCain's rare visits to Washington, D.C., from WaPo

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) hasn't spent much time in the Capitol this year as he seeks the GOP presidential nomination. But one of his rare appearances this week provided a pretty salty exchange with a fellow Republican.

At a bipartisan gathering in an ornate meeting room just off the Senate floor, McCain complained that Cornyn  (Sen. John Cornyn) was raising petty objections to a compromise plan being worked out between Senate Republicans and Democrats and the White House. He used a curse word associated with chickens and accused Cornyn of raising the issue just to torpedo a deal.

Things got really heated when Cornyn accused McCain of being too busy campaigning for president to take part in the negotiations, which have gone on for months behind closed doors. "Wait a second here," Cornyn said to McCain. "I've been sitting in here for all of these negotiations and you just parachute in here on the last day. You're out of line."

  Mr. McCain's response"

"[Expletive] you! I know more about this than anyone else in the room."

    The old man is getting a wee bit testy in his old age, is he not?

   On Thursday afternoon, McCain did gather with nine other colleagues and a few other Bush misfits to announce the immigration deal. McCain then left for New York to do some more campaign events, missing the vote on the $2.9 trillion budget outline.

   It was McCain's 43rd straight time that he has missed being around to vote on the bills.

   Someone may have to refresh my memory, but isn't this idiot getting paid to serve his State and the citizens of the United States?  Being the typical conservative, it is more important to go out and raise/spend money that will put his sorry ass in debt and accomplish nothing.


AG Alberto Gonzales Still Supported By The Criminal In Chief

   A little bit more of the White House press briefing with Tony Fratto yesterday morning.

  You know that the question about AG Alberto Gonzales pressure to resign is always to going to come up, and it did.

Q Senators Schumer and Feinstein are going to introduce a no confidence resolution for Attorney General Gonzales next week, the Senate is going to vote on this. You have a sixth Republican, Norm Coleman, come out and say the Attorney General should resign. Doesn't this all add up to the weight that's dragging him down? And how can he be effective with all --

MR. FRATTO: I think it adds up to the bottomless bag of tricks that Democrats in the Senate would like to pull out on a weekly basis, regarding the Attorney General. The Attorney General has the full confidence of the President. He's focused on the mission of the Department of Justice, which is to keep Americans safe, protect us from domestic terrorism threats, child predators. We know that this has been a difficult period, dealing with the discussion and questions having to do with the U.S. attorneys. But the Attorney General is sticking to his job. We feel he's been a very strong Attorney General, and we continue to support him.

      " bottomless bag of tricks "? The Democrats in the Senate may have a bottomless bag but there are no tricks in it, only mounting evidence that this AG is immoral and corrupt. One of the Bush " yes men " as they are calling him these days. Mr. Fratto says that Gonzo has the full support of president Bush and why would he not have that support? After all, he and Bush did try to take over the Department of Justice and either dig up dirt or attempt to manufacture some dirt to get the elections tilted into their favor. Voter fraud? Only on the Republican side of the fence.

Q Let me just follow up on that. Yesterday, Kelly asked the President straight up about the report of when Gonzales was counsel and sending Andy Card down to the hospital. The President refused to answer, saying it was a national security issue. No part of her question had anything to do with national security issues.

MR. FRATTO: No, there are two points there. One is the discussion of classified programs; and the second is deliberative discussions among and between advisors to the President -- and neither of which is an open window for us to look into and talk about.

Now, I think the President -- I think that's the point that the President was making. It puts us in a difficult communications position, because we understand there are questions out there and it's difficult for us from the podium. But that's not something that we can get into, and we're not going to get into.

Q He can unilaterally declassify, so --

MR. FRATTO: He could, but I think he'd prefer to put the safety and security of Americans ahead of that interest.

  ( Republican language for we aren't saying anything that will get us indicted and imprisoned )

Q How does it jeopardize the safety and security of Americans, to say whether --

MR. FRATTO: Any time we talk about --

Q -- to say whether he ordered those guys to go to the hotel room?

MR. FRATTO: The hospital room --

Q I'm sorry, hospital room.

MR. FRATTO: -- according to the reports.

Q -- former acting Attorney General.

MR. FRATTO: Any time we talk about classified programs you're opening the door, and we need to be very careful in how we talk about it.

Let me make another point that the President made yesterday. All of our programs have been appropriately briefed to Congress. They have all had appropriate oversight. So I think that is the forum for discussing our classified programs, and I think that is where we're going to leave it.

Q Are you saying that the Congress knew the President ordered the wiretapping without any warrant, and they said okay?

MR. FRATTO: I'm saying that appropriate briefings of Congress were made

   If the Congress was briefed on this and they still let Bush get away with this, then they should be held accountable for the act. that would pretty much wipe out the Conservatives for many decades to come.

   On Gonzales and Cards visit to Rumsfeld while he was in the hospital, Fratto had this to say.

Q Does the White House deny that this incident occurred, where --

MR. FRATTO: We're not --

Q -- in relation to some unnamed, unspecified program, these two White House aides sought out the Attorney General -- who was ill and had passed his powers over to his acting -- sought him out instead of going to the Attorney General. Do you guys deny that took place?

MR. FRATTO: Let me say very clearly: I am not addressing any particular report, okay. But I will say that ultimate authority rests with the President of the United States.


   The ultimate authority rests with the President of the United States. Does anything else really need to be said about where all of the illegal shit begins?


Friday, May 18, 2007

The Senate Immigration Agreement

  A few of the Republican presidential candidates  issued  press statements yesterday on how they feel about it.

Boston, MA - Governor Mitt Romney issued the following statement on today's U.S. Senate agreement on immigration reform:
"I strongly oppose today's bill going through the Senate. It is the wrong approach. Any legislation that allows illegal immigrants to stay in the country indefinitely, as the new 'Z-Visa' does, is a form of amnesty. That is unfair to the millions of people who have applied to legally immigrate to the U.S.
"Today's Senate agreement falls short of the actions needed to both solve our country's illegal immigration problem and also strengthen our legal immigration system. Border security and a reliable employment verification system must be our first priority."         Mitt Romney

Former Senator Fred D. Thompson...

... today released the following statement regarding the immigration bill currently pending in the United States Senate:             “With this bill, the American people are going to think they are being sold the same bill of goods as before on border security.  We should scrap this bill and the whole debate until we can convince the American people that we have secured the borders or at least have made great headway.”       National Review


           Rudy Giuliani 

          Statement From The Communications Director

Below is a statement from Giuliani Communications Director Katie Levinson regarding the immigration bill agreement announced by the Senate today:

"Rudy's top priority and main objective is to ensure our borders are secure and to stop potential terrorists and criminals from coming in. The recent Fort Dix plot is a stark reminder that the threat of terrorism has made immigration an important matter of national security. We need to know who is coming in and who is going out of this country if we are going to deal with those who are here illegally.”

  Of course John McCain supported this crap

   Can't place the link to his release because it keeps going to Giuliani's.

   Oh well.


Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Leaders Send Bush Letter Condemning His Opposition To Military Pay Raise

      Below is a letter that the Democratic leaders jointly issued to Bush  in response to his opposing a pay raise for the U.S. troops and for opposing an increase in benefits to surviving spouses of our of our military men and women.

May 18, 2007

The Honorable George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President,

We are writing to urge you to reconsider your objections to H.R. 1585, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008.

Your office’s recent Statement of Administration Policy on H.R. 1585 raised several concerns regarding this bipartisan legislation that the House of Representatives passed yesterday by an overwhelming 397-27 margin.

In particular, the Statement of Administration Policy on H.R. 1585 objected to sections 601 and 606, which raises military pay 0.5% above your proposal, and Section 644, which provides an extra $40 per month for surviving spouses of fallen members of our armed services.

Mr. President, you have consistently called on Congress and the American people to support our troops. Considering the sacrifices that our military families make, the Democratic proposal to provide the troops with the pay raise they deserve and an increase in benefits for the spouses they may leave behind is one small way that we can support our troops.

When it comes to supporting our troops, our actions must match our words. Please join us in supporting our troops by reconsidering both your veto threat to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, and your objections to an increase in military pay and survivor benefits for the brave men and women serving our country in the armed forces.


Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House

Steny Hoyer
Majority Leader

James E. Clyburn
Majority Whip

Rahm Emanuel
Chair, Democratic Caucus

Ike Skelton
Chair, House Armed Services Committee

Ellen Tauscher
Chair, Strategic Forces Subcommittee

Steve Israel
Member of Congress



Ernie Fletcher Leads In Kentucky GOP Republican Primary Polls

    The primary for governor of Kentucky is next week and according to two polling groups, Republican governor Ernie Fletcher is in the lead at this point in time.

Bluegrass Poll. 5/10-15. Likely Republican voters. MoE 5.2% (No trend lines)

Fletcher 41
Northup 26
Harper 10

SurveyUSA. 4/28-4/30. Likely Republican voters. MoE 4% (3/31-4/2 results)

Fletcher 46 (40)
Northup 34 (31)
Harper 14 (16)

  You no why they really call Kentucky the ' blue grass state ' ? It is because the Republican residents of the state are  to ignorant and to stupid to vote out one of the most corrupt governors in the nation.

   On the Democrat side of the fence.

Bluegrass Poll. 5/10-15. Likely Republican voters. MoE 5.2% (No trend lines)

Beshear 27
Lunsford 21
Henry 13

SurveyUSA. 4/28-4/30. Likely Democratic voters. MoE 4% (3/31-4/2 results)

Lunsford 29 (20)
Beshear 23 (15)
Henry 18 (20)

  Lunsford needs to be beaten in this one as he is a Democratic in name only. He endorses and backs more of the Republican crap than he does the Democratic things.

  Bluegrass Report


Top 10 Reasons To Vote Against Bruce Lunsford For Governor

10. During the 2006 congressional race, Lunsford personally contributed more money to Anne Northup ($4,100) than to John Yarmuth ($2,000).
9. Four years ago, during the KET Democratic gubernatorial debate, Lunsford vowed to support the Democratic nominee in the general election, but on October 20, 2003, while standing next to his “friend” Sen. Mitch McConnell (R), Lunsford endorsed Ernie Fletcher for governor.

8. Lunsford now promises “I’ll fix our broken health-care system” but as Chairman and CEO of Vencor, he paid $104.5 million to the federal government for Medicare/Medicaid fraud claims.

7. A few months before Vencor publicly admitted to investors about declining revenues and staggering debt in 1997, Lunsford had sold 50,000 shares at $47 apiece, for $2.35 million. Within three months, Vencor was trading at $30/share, and eventually the stock became worthless.

6. On the Vencor Board of Directors at the time of its crash was none other than current U.S. Secretary of Labor, Elaine Chao, also the wife of U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell (R).

5. Following his election as governor in 2003, Fletcher named Lunsford to lead a blue ribbon transition team to re-organize government. Immediately, Lunsford’s team eliminated the Labor Cabinet.

4. After Congress cut Medicaid reimbursements to nursing homes, Lunsford offered cash bonuses to his employees who successfully evicted seniors who relied upon Medicaid to pay their bills so they could fill those beds with higher paying, private patients. This practice was known as “patient dumping.”

3. After Congress passed legislation to outlaw Lunsford’s practice of “patient dumping,” he paid a Washington, DC lobbyist $60,000 to try amend the Social Security Act to allow patient dumping after courts told him to stop and Vencor had been fined $780,000 for trying to kick out 137 residents.

2. Between 1995 and 2000, Lunsford personally donated $52,000 to federal political candidates and parties. Of that amount, $40,250 (77%) went to Republicans, including to both of Kentucky’s Republican senators, four Republican congressmen (Rogers, Whitfield, Lewis, Northup), as well as the Republican Party of Kentucky, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, and George W. Bush for President.

1. In May 2003, Lunsford dropped out the Democratic gubernatorial primary after polls showed him falling into third place (behind Ben Chandler and Jody Richards). Rather than finish third, Lunsford pulled-up lame and blamed a mean Chandler television ad for his surrender. Does Kentucky want another wimp as governor?

***On May 22, Kentucky Democrats must refuse to elect Bruce Lunsford as its nominee for Governor***

  Had enough?



Bush Is The Conservative's Conservative No Matter What They GOP Candidates Tell you

   In case you haven't noticed as of late, the Repugnican presidential candidates have all been making the rounds with the ' don't blame me. blame Bush ' line of rhetoric in order to distance themselves from him and his failed government, Iraq war,Katrina, and a host of many, many other issues.

   McCain, in particular, would have you believe that he had nothing to do with the White House incompetence which has run rampant from day one. That low-life Cretin from New York City ( Giuliani ) would have you think the same thing. The only difference between these two is that John McCain was able to back Bush by voting ' yes ' on Bush's laws and other bullshit while Giuliani's only option was sending his buddy some letters of support.

   Now we even get to her the candidates talk about how Bush doesn't represent their idea of conservatism. That is funny, especially since he has been representing their idea of conservatism since 2001 or they would not have voted to give the prick everything that he has asked for since he came into office.

   Don't let these Republican pieces of shit fool you! Bush, as a human being and a leader is incompetent, but the conservative Bush has been plenty smart in helping the conservative base make their gains, such as they are. Now we have to get rid of most of the Republican crime, greed, and those who would see a one-party rule in our society.

   Government by conservatives has been and will always be a failure in the United States.

Alan Wolfe: Contemporary conservatism is a walking contradiction. Unable to shrink government but unwilling to improve it, conservatives attempt to split the difference, expanding government for political gain, but always in ways that validate their disregard for the very thing they are expanding. The end result is not just bigger government, but more incompetent government.

Al Franken: "Conservatives tell you government doesn't work. When they get elected, they prove it."


 by vets74  @ reader at Daily Kos

 Again, Anti-Social Personality Disorder ASPD ...

presents with alarming frequency in this Bush Administration.

These individuals prefer lies, bribery and repeated dishonesty. They have no problem with brutality.

Wolfowitz, Feith, Chertoff, Rumsfeld, Gonzo on torture, Cheney, Richard Perle, and many others.

Their statements elevate a mental "toughness" that is, in fact, an absence of normal emotion-based relations with ordinary people. Similar to The Mob of 1930-1995.

Rumsfeld at 50,000-feet over Iraq is THE NORM for these ASPD's.

This ASPD is a recognized personality disorder. The Bush crew attracted ASPD types over a period of at least a decade. Smart ASPD's to be sure.

However, ASPD's can't govern in a democracy. They need dictatorship or feudalism or theocracy. They failed here in America from 2001 to the present.

From their point of view, stupid/weak America failed them.

  Don't let the GOP pull one over on you. The fact that the majority of Republicans in the House and Senate still back most of Bush's agenda should be a clear sign that he is one of their conservatives.

   Read this for more on the conservative worldview.

  Or, check this out from Rockridge Nation



Thursday, May 17, 2007

White House Opposes Pay Raise For Troops and An Increase In Widow's Benefits

  Here is just a little bit more of the George Bush version of supporting our troops. I guess  that he only supports our troops when it comes to sending them to Iraq to get killed.

White House States Opposition to Pay Raise for Troops,
Increase in Widows’ Benefits

May 17th, 2007 by Jesse Lee

Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel:

“We ask our troops to risk their lives for our nation. We ask their spouses to raise families and make ends meet without them as they serve. The President is a lot of talk when it comes to supporting the troops and their families. It’s easy to say you support our troops, but actions matter and when it comes to the treatment of our troops and their families, our resources must match our rhetoric.”

White House: 3.5 percent pay hike unnecessary
Rick Maze, Army Times - May 16, 2007

Troops don’t need bigger pay raises, White House budget officials said Wednesday in a statement of administration policy laying out objections to the House version of the 2008 defense authorization bill.

The Bush administration had asked for a 3 percent military raise for Jan. 1, 2008, enough to match last year’s average pay increase in the private sector. The House Armed Services Committee recommends a 3.5 percent pay increase for 2008, and increases in 2009 through 2012 that also are 0.5 percentage point greater than private-sector pay raises.

The slightly bigger military raises are intended to reduce the gap between military and civilian pay that stands at about 3.9 percent today. Under the bill, HR 1585, the pay gap would be reduced to 1.4 percent after the Jan. 1, 2012, pay increase.

Bush budget officials said the administration “strongly opposes” both the 3.5 percent raise for 2008 and the follow-on increases, calling extra pay increases “unnecessary.”

See the full Statement of Administration Policy, or SAP (pdf) >>

Here is the relevant excerpt “strongly” opposing the pay raise:

Military Pay: The Administration strongly opposes sections 601 and 606. The additional 0.5 percent increase above the President’s proposed 3.0 percent across-the-board pay increase is unnecessary. When combined with the overall military benefit package, the President’s proposal provides a good quality of life for servicemembers and their families. While we agree military pay must be kept competitive, the three percent raise, equal to the increase in the Employment Cost Index, will do that. The cost of increasing the FY 2008 military pay raise by an additional 0.5 percent is $265 million in FY 2008 and $7.3 billion from FY 2008 to FY 2013.

Here the Administration opposes an additional $40 per month for widows of slain soldiers:

Special Survivor Indemnity Allowance: The Administration opposes section 644, which would pay a monthly special survivor indemnity allowance of $40 from the DoD Military Retirement Fund. The current benefit programs for survivors, DoD’s Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) and Department of Veterans Affairs’ Dependency Indemnity Compensation (DIC), provide sufficient benefits and avoid duplication of two complementary federal benefits programs established for the same purpose — providing a lifetime annuity for the survivor of an active, retired or former servicemember. This offset policy is consistent with private sector benefits. The provision is estimated to cost $27 million in the first year and about $160 million through FY 2013. It appears to be the first step toward eliminating the offset between SBP and DIC; full elimination of this offset would cost the Military Retirement Fund between $6 and $8 billion over 10 years.

Here the Administration opposes additional benefits for surviving family members of civilian employees:

Death Gratuity for Federal Civilian Employees: The Administration strongly opposes section 1105, which would amend the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) to provide an additional $100,000 death benefit for surviving family members of civilian employees who died supporting U.S. forces in a contingency operation. This provision would raise equity concerns by eroding the uniformity of benefits provided by FECA.

Here the Administration opposes price controls for prescription drugs under TRICARE, the military’s health care plan for military personnel and their dependents:

The Administration strongly opposes section 703, which would impose price controls on prescription drugs when they are dispensed to enrollees in TRICARE through community pharmacies. The Administration believes market competition is the most effective way to promote discounts in the community setting. Government price-setting at community pharmacies will eliminate retail competition; it could also have an adverse impact on other markets, which could limit access to life-saving drugs, reduce convenience for beneficiaries, and ultimately increase costs. Drugs dispensed directly by DoD in its hospitals, clinics, and mail order facilities are already purchased at government purchasing schedules and DOD is working to encourage beneficiaries to take advantage of the lowest prescription drug prices available whenever possible.

And here the Administration urges deletion of various contract accountability provisions:

Acquisition Policy: While the Administration supports the underlying interests of section 806, 821, 822, 824, and 843, the Administration urges their deletion because each of these provisions is either duplicative of recently-enacted laws and implementing regulations or would be counterproductive and not of practical help in strengthening the acquisition process. Section 824, in particular, which imposes exhaustive reporting on contract deficiencies, will interfere with agencies’ ability to address and resolve contract performance problems in a timely manner. In addition, section 326(b) would impose on the Department’s contractors unmanageable and costly reporting requirements with questionable benefit.         The Gavel

See the provisions themselves in the full text of the legislation (pdf) >>



Report Says That Iraq Is Nearing collapse

  This is an interesting report from Chatham House where Dr Gareth Stansfield says that there isn't just " one " civil war nor is there just " one "  insurgency but there are several in each category between the communities in Iraq. hit the site and download the report, which is in PDF.

  Within this warring society, the Iraqi government is only one among many 'state-like' actors, and is largely irrelevant in terms of ordering social, economic, and political life.  It is now possible to argue that Iraq is on the verge of being a failed state which faces the distinct possibility of collapse and fragmentation.  Accepting Realities in Iraq

Accepting Realities in Iraq  is the title of the new Briefing Paper which Dr. Stansfield wrote. It goes on to say:

...although Al-Qaeda is challenged by local groups, there is momentum behind its activity. Iraq's neighbors too have a greater capacity to affect the situation on the ground than either the UK or the US. Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey all have different reasons for seeing the instability in Iraq continue, and each uses different methods to influence developments.

Dr Stansfield says: ‘The coming year will be pivotal for Iraq. The internecine fighting and continual struggle for power threatens the nation’s very existence in its current form. An acceptance of the realities on the ground in Iraq and a fundamental rethinking of strategy by coalition powers are vital if there is to be any chance of future political stability in the country.’

  The report also says that Baghdad blogger's, Sunni and Shi'a, give a better understanding of the of the political identity in Baghdad, dealing with the atrocities in daily life and the affects that they are having.

   Another note about the blogger's compared to their views only just a year ago.

" Barely a year ago, young Iraqis commonly talked about their desires to see the Americans leave and for a genuinely Iraqi political process to emerge. Now, bloggers tend to fall into one of two categories: they either wish the U.S. to stay in order to prevent the final collapse into a ' total ' civil war: or they wish the U.S. to leave in order to allow the civil war to erupt fully- such is the level of sectarian-based hatred in Baghdad today."

  I will be delving into this report off and on as it has some really eye opening conclusions in it, which maybe those idiots in the White House will read through. I doubt it though, to much reality in it.



It Is Our Constitution/Bill Of Rights, Not Our governments

     We are going to take a look now at our U.S. Constitution and our Bill of Rights with the help of Steve Osborn over at Populist America, which is a very good site.

A Framer quotes

Under every government the [last] resort of the people, is an appeal to the sword; whether to defend themselves against the open attacks of a foreign enemy, or to check the insidious encroachments of domestic foes.  Whenever a people ... entrust the defence of their country to a regular, standing army, composed of mercenaries, the power of that country will remain under the direction of the most wealthy citizens.

Lord Acton quotes:

Everything secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity.


 Contract with America: The Bill of Rights

December 1, 2006
by Steve Osborn

The American People signed a contract. An agreement between the Governed and the Government. It is called the Constitution of the United States. The first ten amendments to that Constitution is known as the Bill of Rights. As Justice Hugo Black stated, "It is my belief that there are absolutes in our Bill of Rights, and that they were put there on purpose by men who knew what words meant and meant their prohibitions to be 'absolutes.'"

Think about it:

  • Without the First Amendment, newspapers could only print the "party line" or be suppressed. Books and plays would be censored or banned. We might have to attend the State Authorized Religion, or be forbidden to attend any other form of worship, or any worship at all. We could even have a church telling us how to live, backed up with government force! We would have no right of public assembly or protest, nor could we petition the government for a redress of grievances.
  • Without the Second Amendment, we would be a completely disarmed populace, at the mercy of government troops or security forces.
  • Without the Third Amendment, the government could quarter troops in your home without your consent.
  • Without the Fourth Amendment, the government's security force or military could search your home at will, without a warrant, confiscate your papers and property, monitor your communications and phone conversations without your ever knowing about it.
  • Without the Fifth Amendment, you could be picked up, your property confiscated, you could be held incommunicado for an indefinite time without legal counsel and could be forced to testify against yourself.
  • Without the Sixth Amendment, your could be held for an indefinite period, without charge, and without being told why you're being held. Your trial, if any, could be held in secret without your being able to confront your accusers or examining any evidence, nor would you have the right to legal counsel.
  • Without the Seventh Amendment, in civil suits, you would not have the right of trial by jury.
  • Without the Eighth Amendment, there would be no limit on the amount of bail set or fines imposed, and any cruel punishment could be meted out, even death by torture.
  • Without the Ninth Amendment, any rights not spelled out would be forfeit to the government.
  • Without the Tenth Amendment, the People of the United States would have no powers reserved to themselves, it would all lie with the State.

Isn't it tragic that the Congress gave to the Executive, through misguided PATRIOTism, an ACT that would unconstitutionally repeal those rights guaranteed by the Constitution and turn it all over to Homeland Security?

Read your Constitution and Bill of Rights, then read the text of the Patriot Act and the amended Patriot Act, then think about it. We the People of the United States have been virtually stripped of those freedoms that the founders of our nation fought so hard to secure from an earlier King George.
Everybody is heaving a great sigh of relief that the "Democrats" are now back in power, but already things are returning to business as usual.
We have got to impeach and remove the cancer that has infected our nation before it becomes inoperable. We are facing widened wars of desperation as Bush and his gang looks desperately for a way of regaining control. They are not beyond a "Black Op" against the United States (remember the Maine, Tonkin Gulf, the WMD lies and the jury is still out on 9/11) followed by a declaration of martial law. The groundwork has been carefully laid and is available to review on many sites.
We must hold Congress to the Contract that We the People made with them over two centuries ago, restore the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, intact and functioning to the halls of government, and return to using them for the rule and guide of our actions.



Wednesday, May 16, 2007

John McCain Has Problem When It Comes To Bills Concerning Iraq

  Just for the record, here are the votes that Mr. Warmonger McCain has missed just since the new Congress has been in.

(1) The anti-surge resolution that failed on a slim 48-50 vote on March 15? McCain missed it — even as he publicly argued that we should trust in the judgment of President Bush and Gen. David Petraeus.

(2) McCain also missed the vote on the succeeding resolution that renounced the cutting off of funds.

(3) McCain did show up to vote for the Cochran Amendment on March 27, which would have stricken timetable language from the Iraq supplemental. But then after the Cochran Amendment failed, and after McCain voted No on initial passage of the Senate version, he later missed the vote on the final passage of the conference report on April 26.

(4) Just this morning, McCain missed the Senate vote on the Feingold Amendment, which would have provided for the the redeployment of troops form Iraq.  

  It would seem as if Mr. McCain is to busy going around the country stating his reasons for staying in Iraq than he is to vote for those reason's which he so vehemently believes in.


Alberto Gonzales And Bush Should Be Prosecuted For The Ashcroft Fiasco

    Earlier this morning, I made mention about dear old Alberto Gonzales and one of his side-kicks trying to pressure John Ashcroft into signing the wiretapping law that president Bush wanted. As we all know, Ashcroft pretty much told Gonzales and Mr. Card to go fuck themselves.

  I get emails from American Progress Action Fund once in a while and I thought that I would share a little more details on the " Gonzo " goes stupid story.

Talking Points: A Dramatic Standoff

May 16, 2007

In March 2004, President Bush's warrantless domestic spying program was temporarily suspended after then-acting Attorney General James Comey refused to sign onto an extension of the program, citing an "extensive review" by the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel stating "that the program did not comply with the law." In "gripping testimony" yesterday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Comey revealed extraordinary details about the efforts made by Alberto Gonzales and Andrew Card -- then-White House counsel and chief of staff, respectively -- to persuade John Ashcroft to overrule Comey, even as Ashcroft was debilitated in an intensive care unit with pancreatitis. The Washington Post calls Comey's "account of Bush administration lawlessness so shocking it would have been unbelievable coming from a less reputable source." Indeed, Comey's revelations confirm the worst fears about Alberto Gonzales' dangerously flawed judgment, and provide further evidence of the contempt for basic legal restraints displayed by the most senior administration officials, including President Bush.

  • The White House placed undue pressure on Attorney General Ashcroft while he lay in his hospital bed. Comey explained yesterday how the ordeal began on the evening of March 10, 2004, hours before the authority for the spying program was set to expire. A top aide to Ashcroft alerted Comey that Gonzales and Card had arranged a visit with Ashcroft, who was then hospitalized with gallstone pancreatitis. Comey "ordered his driver to rush him to George Washington University Hospital with emergency lights flashing and a siren blaring, to intercept the pair." Comey "arrived first in the darkened room, in time to brief Mr. Ashcroft, who he said seemed barely conscious." Minutes later, Gonzales and Card arrived, envelope in hand, and explained that they were seeking his approval to extend authority for warrantless spying. "Attorney General Ashcroft then stunned me," Comey said yesterday. "He lifted his head off the pillow and in very strong terms expressed his view of the matter, rich in both substance and fact...and then laid his head back down on the pillow, seemed spent, and said to them, But that doesn't matter, because I'm not the attorney general...and he pointed to me." The White House effort to overrule Comey had failed. "The two men did not acknowledge me," Comey said. "They turned and walked from the room." Comey added, "I was angry. I had just witnessed an effort to take advantage of a very sick man... I thought he had conducted himself in a way that demonstrated a strength I had never seen before, but still I thought it was improper."
  • It took the threat of mass resignation for the White House to change the wiretapping program in the ways Justice demanded. The next morning, March 11, it was reauthorized "without a signature from the Department of Justice attesting as to its legality." Comey had seen enough, and wrote up his resignation letter. "I couldn't stay, if the administration was going to engage in conduct that the Department of Justice had said had no legal basis. I just simply couldn't stay." Comey said yesterday that he believed both Mueller and Ashcroft were prepared to resign with him, along with all of their top aides. One day later, on March 12, facing a threat of mass resignations, the administration cracked. Bush informed Mueller that he would authorize the changes in the program sought by the Justice Department. Comey said he signed the reauthorization "two or three weeks" later. "It was unclear from his testimony what authority existed for the program while the changes were being made."
  • The President and the Attorney General have shown a disturbing contempt for the Justice Department and the law. The Washington Post notes that "the bottom line" of Comey's revelations is "the administration's alarming ignore its own lawyers." After all, the Justice Department's conclusions "are supposed to be the final word in the executive branch about what is lawful or not, and the administration has emphasized since the warrantless wiretapping story broke that it was being done under the department's supervision." The fact that Alberto Gonzales "is now in charge of the department he tried to steamroll may be most disturbing of all." Moreover, President Bush's direct role in this affair remains to be fully explored. Comey noted yesterday that Ashcroft's wife "had banned all visitors and all phone calls" to the hospital, but that Card and Gonzales were permitted to visit Ashcroft after a direct call from the White House. "I have some recollection that the call was from the president himself," he said.

   Bush just got kicked in the ribs on this one and I hope that many more shots are forthcoming.


Paul Wolfowitz Working On Resignation

WASHINGTON - Embattled World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz is negotiating an agreement to resign, according to an official familiar with the talks.

His departure would include an acknowledgment from the bank that he doesn't bear sole responsibility for the controversy surrounding a generous pay package for his girlfriend, the official said.

The negotiations were taking place as the bank's board resumed deliberations over Wolfowitz's fate Wednesday afternoon.

The official said Wolfowitz wanted the bank to accept some responsibility for conflicts of interest cited against him by a special bank panel. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the delicate state of the negotiations.       Yahoo News

  Wolfowitz is negotiation a deal so that he doesn't sound like the crook that he is and so that, as is usual with a Bush lackey, he doesn't have to take the responsibility for his own actions.

  Maybe members of the World Bank should have paid closer attention to this hood, but, Wolfie bears the full responsibility for his actions since I'm sure that bank members pushed him into paying an inexperienced piece of ass a high salary for next to doing nothing. ( sarcasm intended )

Riza worked for the bank before Wolfowitz took over as president in June 2005. She was moved to the State Department to avoid a conflict of interest, but stayed on the bank's payroll. Her salary went from close to $133,000 to $180,000. With subsequent raises, it eventually rose to $193,590. The panel concluded that the salary increase Riza received "at Mr. Wolfowitz's direction was in excess of the range" allowed under bank rules.

   The next part of this mess which should be investigated is how did the slut manage to keep drawing her salary from the world Bank after she was transferred to the State Department. For that matter, how is it she also continued to receive raises for a job that she was no longer doing?



Senator Hagel Calls For Alberto Gonzales To Resign

Sen. Chuck Hagel (R):"The American people deserve an attorney general, the chief law enforcement officer of our country, whose honesty and capability are beyond question. Attorney General Gonzales can no longer meet this standard. He has failed this country. He has lost the moral authority to lead."

"Alberto Gonzales should resign now.

    So Senator Hagel becomes another one of the Republican establishment to call for Alberto Gonzales to resign after it was revealed during testimony yesterday by James Comey, former deputy to John Ashcroft, that Gonzales had pressured Ashcroft to approve of the legality of George Bush's warrantless wiretapping idea. Ashcroft, who was very ill at the time with pancreatitis, pretty much told Alberto ' no'.

   Bush being Bush, went ahead with the program without the approval of the Justice Department which caused Comey, Ashcroft, and Robert Mueller ( FBI Director ) to contemplate resigning. Bush did change the program to be inline with Justice concerns.     Source

  The problems with the Department of Justice ( injustice ) keeps getting better day by day, does it not?

Comey's testimony proved compelling enough to inspire a Hagel to demand that Gonzales step down.

At issue was Bush's no-warrant wiretapping program, which Comey described as so questionable that Ashcroft refused for a time to reauthorize it as required in March, 2004.

Senior government officials had expressed concerns about whether the National Security Agency, which administered the program, had the proper oversight in place. Other concerns included whether any president possessed the legal and constitutional authority to authorize the program as it operated at the time.

Days before the program's required recertification in March, 2004, Ashcroft suddenly fell ill enough with pancreatitis that he transferred the powers of the attorney general to Comey. Acting Attorney General Comey, too, refused to certify the program's legality.

On March 10, Gonzales, then White House Counsel, and Bush's former chief of staff, Andy Card, took the matter to Ashcroft as he lay in the intensive care unit at George Washington University Hospital. Tipped to their impending visit, Comey raced there with the sirens of his security detail blaring, he told the committee Tuesday.

Comey arrived at Ashcroft's bedside moments before the president's aides walked in, Gonzales holding the presidential order of recertification.

Ashcroft rebuffed them, pointing out that Comey held the powers of the attorney general at that moment. Gonzales and Card left the room without acknowledging Comey.

Card later demanded that Comey come to the White House. Comey said he demanded a witness accompany him after the conduct he'd seen at Ashcroft's bed side.

Card "replied, 'What conduct? We were just there to wish him well,'" Comey recalled.



San Antonio Spurs and Dirty Play

This is in response to a comment which was posted.

Get over it? So I take it that it would be okay with you if we're playing a game of basketball and I just decide to knee you in your groin? It would be okay with you if I just elbow you while you are dribbling down the court, sending you into the scorers table?
So far as the heat on the court goes. I guess that the Spurs couldn't stand the heat when the Suns started coming back so a player opened up the " cheap shot " manual.
To the other commenter, I like the Spurs myself. they would be my other choice after the Suns because Arizona is my birthplace. What I do not like is any player pulling the crap that was done on Monday night. From any team.

News Brief's For Wednesday Morning

WASHINGTON - A small group of Republican senators, led by Virginia's John Warner, is coalescing around legislation that would threaten billions of dollars in U.S. aid to Iraq and make clear American troops will stay only as long as Baghdad lives up to its promises.

  "The United States strategy in Iraq, hereafter, shall be conditioned on the Iraqi government meeting benchmarks," a draft of the proposal says. 

GOP Sen's. Susan Collins  and Olympia Snowe of Maine and Norm Coleman  of Minnesota also were working with Warner, former chairman of the Armed Services Committee, to draft the legislation and were expected to support it.

Under the proposal, the president would have to certify that Baghdad was making "satisfactory progress" on political and security reforms or cut off U.S. aid. However, the president would be allowed to waive the restriction. Bush requested about $2 billion in economic assistance for Iraq through September.     Yahoo News

   Nothing but the GOP attempting to avoid their own massacre in 2008.


   MLK's daughter,Yolanda King, dies at 51

ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- Yolanda Denise King, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s eldest child who pursued her father's dream of racial harmony through acting and motivational speaking, has died. She was 51.

King died late Tuesday in Santa Monica, California, said Steve Klein, a spokesman for the King Center. The family did not know the cause of death but that relatives think it might have been a heart problem, he said.    CNN


White House Support for Wolfowitz Wavers

The Bush administration softened its support for World Bank President Paul D. Wolfowitz yesterday, signaling a willingness to replace him if the bank's executive board resolves an ethics controversy without firing him.

"All options are on the table," said White House spokesman Tony Snow, addressing reporters at a morning briefing. "Members of the board, Mr. Wolfowitz, need to sit down and figure out what is in fact going to be best for this bank. . . ."           Washington Post


Ashcroft almost quit over eavesdropping

WASHINGTON, May 16 (UPI) -- Former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft nearly resigned after the White House recertified an anti-terrorism program, another former official told Congress.

Former Deputy Attorney General James Comey testified before the Senate

Judiciary Committee that he, Ashcroft and other officials were poised to resign when the White House went ahead with a counter-terrorism program that Ashcroft had refused to approve, The Washington Post reported Wednesday.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Senator John Warner After DoD For Blocking Social Website's YouTube, MySpace and Others From U.S. Troops Access

   You all know by now that those rocket scientist at the Department of Defense have decided that it will start blocking their computers  and networks from access to such sites as MySpace, Youtube, and about 11 other website's. This will be a worldwide ban and will go into effect this Monday.  Source

  But not so fast DoD!

Sen. John Warner (R-Va., Armed Services Committee) stated today that he will investigate this decision by the Pentagon.

Warner: “Believe me, I am going to jump on that like a June bug right now. I’ve got a call into the Pentagon saying, ‘Hey guys, what is the rationale?"

  The Pentagon is using the old security issue concern as their reason for cutting our troops off of these sites. Guess that Bush and his hired hands are getting a little tired of the troops posting videos of themselves and the carnage that they have to live with everyday while the Iraqi country goes to shit and our president lies about it.

  Of course, this would be in line with the Iraqi government deciding that news reporters and camera men are no longer allowed at car-bombing sites and such because they may be destroying evidence that the local police may need.

  One thing that I would like explained to me. Four year old war going on and Bush and Iraq just now coming up with these things? Come on now! If it took you people this long to think that evidence might be getting messed up, then Bush and his puppets are really as dumb and stupid as we have believed them to be.

   These two new rules are nothing but Bush/military ways of attempting to hide the truth about what is actually going on in Iraq.

  For all of you with son's and daughters/ husbands and wives in Iraq, I have a " work around " for the YouTube, MySpace problem that the Pentagon is so suddenly concerned about.


San Antonio Spurs " Dirty " Playbook Against Phoenix Suns

   I'm going to go off track here and talk a bit about something is one of my favorite hobbies, and that is basketball. The NBA playoffs in particular and the Phoenix Suns specifically and the crap that they have had to put up with from those " dirty "  players of the San Antonio Spurs, a team which I use to have respect for.

  That was until the playoff series with Phoenix began.

   First we have Suns All-star Amare Stoudemire saying, after last Thursdays practice, that the Spurs are a "dirty team" and he said that Bruce Bowen tried to hurt him, claiming that Bowen, "He kicked me purposely in the back of my Achilles'. I almost came down wrong and he almost caused an injury.He's known for doing that. I just hope the NBA and the commissioner take a look at that because it's definitely a dirty play."

  Thus far, since then, he has seemed to be right on the money about the Spurs and their form of play.

  Stoudemire also had a bit more to say about the style of play from the Spurs during the regular season.

"I think the Spurs are a dirty team. I mean, (Manu) Ginobili during the regular season kneed me in the crotch on purpose. I just hope the league takes a look at it and cleans the game up a little bit." 

  Here is a video, which I think definitely shows Amare getting kicked by Bowen.

    Then there was game three, in which Bowen kneed Steve Nash in the groin area. That drew a foul from the referee which was upgraded to a "flagrant foul 1." Bowen told Nash that it was an unintentional move. Sure it was.

  Then there is last nights game four. This was a tough game all the way around, but dirty tactics should have no place in this game or any other game.

   The Spurs had a 97-92 with 2:23 to play when Phoenix picked up the pace and took the lead 53 seconds left and nailed it in with 32 seconds to go that made it 100-97.

Robert Horry took the low road with 18 seconds left in the game,when he hit Nash with a forearm and knocked him into the scorer's table. This was a move that was totally uncalled for by this piece of shit.

    Horry was ejected from the game and given a flagrant foul. The Spurs had started the 4th quarter with an 80-72 lead over Phoenix but I guess a few of the Spur's players can't handle a team on the comeback path as Phoenix did last night, so they resorted to taking cheap shots.

 Robert Horry ( whorie? )  should be suspended for the remainder of this series and fined massively by the NBA. That other Spurs punk, Bruce Bowen, will get his in due time.

     It is pretty sad that such great players as Tim Duncan, Michael Finley, Manu Ginobili and the rest of the Spurs have to play with team-mates such as these gutter crawlers.



Hell In Iraq Manufactured By Washington

     The following post is a piece written by Marshall Adame who is a North Carolina Democrat running for U.S. Congress  in 2008.  Mr. Adame spent 3 years working in Iraq and had a few things to say about the situation there.

      Original at Daily Kos

Iraq; A Hell on Earth Made in Washington D.C.

by Marshall Adame Sun May 13, 2007 

Why America went into Iraq is something for the pundits, academics and the politicians to discuss into the next century. What has happened there since our arrival is something I can only hope will be fully realized and understood by the American public and every elected official in our country.

From my personal experiences of living in Iraq for three years, I have concluded America’s leadership is solely responsible for the entire country of Iraq becoming a living hell of suffering, poverty, starvation and depravation, unimaginable to either Iraqi or U.S. citizen just prior to our arrival in Iraq in 2003.

I personally attended and participated in many high level Coalition, State Department and DoD meetings and briefings in Iraq from 2003 until late 2006.
I remember being astounded, on many occasions, about the way we addressed the needs and requirements of the Iraqi people and their government. On one occasion after another, where the decision makers in Iraq had glowing opportunities to move Iraq in the right direction, the smallest suggestion that action being considered might be politically incorrect could, and often did, derail any further talk or action and everyone would be back to square one. More than not, it was the Military planners in the Embassy who would stop any worthwhile State Department initiative.  

It seemed to me that the leadership in the Embassy in Baghdad were very unaware, almost detached, from what the average U.S. Soldier was experiencing on a day to day basis outside of Baghdad’s green zone where life was actually pretty close to just being normal. Although the senior officers in the Embassy would, from time to time, fly out to the Forward Operating Bases (FOBs), their arrival and departure was always very scheduled and planned. Very rarely would any of these officers actually go outside of a FOB where the troops were going everyday amongst the Iraqi general population.

Let me be very clear here. No act of courage, sacrifice, bravery, or selflessness is ever wasted, or for nothing, irregardless of when or where it happens. Our soldiers are carrying out their duty as they took an oath to do. You will not find any soldiers in Iraq who are not faithful and dedicated to their Commanders and to each other. Risking their lives for each other is a daily event for our soldiers in Iraq. This is as it should be. The senior officers however seemed to me to be somewhat different in that regard. Their future in the military and their promotion potential seemed to be factored into just about every decision. The real exception was the National Guard and Reserve component Senior officers who seemed always determined to get their soldiers what they needed and to be there for their soldiers. This is not to denigrate the Officer Corp, but it is what I noted during my extensive time in Iraq.

Donald Rumsfeld and General Casey seemed obsessed with ensuring The State Department (Condi Rice) did not get a firm foothold onto the leadership or management of the Iraq development planning, and that included the diplomatic part of the mission. From my perspective, the U.S. Ambassador was a figure head who simply did what General Casey and Don Rumsfeld decided needed to be accomplished by the State Department.

The Generals had all the money, they had the President’s ear and they controlled almost all the resources. They still do. The golden rule; He who has the gold, makes the rules. State Department diplomatic efforts, or operational plans were seemingly a nuisance to the Military planners in the Embassy.
This was very in evidence right into the later part of 2006. Recently I spoke to a Diplomat friend of mine in the Embassy in Baghdad who told me he would be leaving Iraq as a direct result of the way the Military has totally ignored the diplomats in Iraq and the Military leaders conduct in pushing the "Baghdad surge" now in place.

Why shouldn’t the Generals ignore the State Department? The President is squarely on the side of blunt force. Diplomacy to our President, apparently, is a tool for the weak. America has a long history of civilians controlling our military. In Iraq the U.S. military has no civilian control. The U.S. Ambassador is toothless.  

The Military Commanders throughout Iraq were very suspect of any Department of State program where the military was not in primary control and would often, quickly and openly, moved to derail it. The most visible example of this type of stonewalling is the Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT). The PRT is a State Department Program developed for the purpose of assisting the Provisional Governments, in the 14 Provinces of Iraq, in Government Capacity Building, Rule of Law, City planning, Contracting, taxing, revenue sharing, and other aspects of Governmental Services Delivery and maintenance.

I was a key player in the initiation of the PRT in Iraq during 2005 and 2006. My exposure was all encompassing and I personally traveled throughout the Provinces of Iraq to conduct the initial PRT surveys for the State Department. The PRTs were overseen and managed through an office in the Baghdad Embassy called the National Coordination Team (NCT). I was a member of the NCT.

Almost all of the planning and execution aspects of the PRT development was conducted without the smallest participation of any Iraqis, governmental, or not. In some construction projects, in the provinces, the Iraqi Provincial Councils were allowed to communicate their desired projects to the State Department. In most cases, either the U.S. Corps of Engineers would decide what they wanted to do, or a Military General in the U.S. Embassy would decide what would be most advantages from the American Point of view.  U.S. Contractors were big players here. The State Department had no real say-so at all in the selection of projects being conducted under the auspices of their own program. In 2006, the newly appointed civilian director of the NCT was a retired Army General. This appointment thereafter ensured the PRT compliance with the Military commanders in Iraq.

Many projects started by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers throughout Iraq, were never finished and many were simply de-scoped and made to appear complete when in fact they were not. Water plants and Electric plants in Iraq were built and never turned on. Iraqi Military bases were built under the auspices and direct supervision of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers who would complete the projects, only to standby and watch the Iraqis loot the newly built and furnished facilities to the bone. The U.S. Army Corps of engineers and the Program Contracting Office (PCO) themselves took a very large piece of the Iraq construction money; A very large piece. If it is ever investigated, I feel another scandal of waste, fraud and abuse will be in the headlines.

The Muslim Mosques, we built for the Iraqi Military, would usually remain intact. (We never built any Churches that I am aware of, although many Iraqis are of the Christian faith. Damaged or destroyed Churches remained rubble. For faiths other than Muslim, little or no money would ever be available for rebuilding or new development form the U.S. Government).

The Iraqi people and their government were worlds apart in their existence. The Iraqi government, almost in exile from it’s people, is located in the extensively secured Baghdad Green Zone near the U.S. Embassy. The U.S. Military ensures their security. The Ministers live in the Green Zone and most of the representatives as well, in very comfortable circumstances. I am told that as of January 2007 almost one third of the elected officials in Iraq are actually living in foreign countries like Jordon, England, and France. Still collecting their pay, just not in Iraq.  

The Iraqi population at large, with the exception of a few fearless and brave Iraqi politicians, never see their representatives, or even hear from them. Most Iraqi politicians are aligned with a Militia group who fight the U.S. on a daily basis, or are connected to the Shia Death squads that reign terror down on the Iraqi citizens every single day or their existence. An existence we created through very poor leadership, vision, planning or serious regard for the Iraqi population at large.

Just to get a glass of clean drinking water is a major effort in Iraq today, not to mention that many of those who are selling the clean water are also the same thugs, criminals and terrorist who are rampaging at night and profiting from the chaos by day. This after four years of U.S. Presence, over three thousand dead U.S. Soldiers, tens of thousands of U.S. Wounded and hundreds of Billions of U.S. Dollars. That is not even mentioning the hundreds of thousands Injured and killed Iraqi citizens, many who are children and women, and the millions displaced by the war and now living in abject poverty.

In Baghdad, should an injured Sunni Muslim show up to, or be brought to any government hospital in Baghdad, in all likely hood that person will not be alive the next day. Shia death squads, often members of the Iraqi Police, I am told visit the hospitals nightly looking for Sunni patients.

I believe the average American, or Iraqi citizen would be furious to know how President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Bremer and others caused the societal and institutional collapse of what was a fairly well running, civilized and organized institutional culture.
Their collective decisions facilitated the American and British contractors in bringing thousands of third world nationals into Iraq while excluding the poor and unemployed Iraqi citizens from even earning a living or participating in the reconstruction of their own country. Many of whom later turned to the insurgency to earn a living.

The exercise of blind leadership has brought America to the brink of irrelevance, the exception being where military power is concerned, in the world and in all other aspects an outcast of sorts. Albeit, a very powerful outcast.  

Today the world of civilized societies who initially stepped forward with support and assistance, but later began to see the effort going far away from it’s intended beginning, now see a U.S. President out of touch with reality.
Most of those countries are now hoping America does not suffer further from President Bush’s continued presence in office. I am speaking of many countries who sent their own soldiers as well, although in very small numbers when compared to America and Great Briton.

Today I see a world of strong, democratic and free countries hoping and praying for America, their model, to once again find her bearing and lead the world in freedom, strength, integrity, as a force against those who would seek to derail mans progress into a future of liberty and justice for all. I believe they do want America to succeed for they know our downfall could well mean their own destruction.

When President Bush took office in 2000, America was a healthy, free, culturally expanding society whose reach and influence for good in the world was being embraced by friend and potential foe alike. During the preceding President Clinton years, the countries of the Middle East were looking to the U.S.A. to be the true and honest broker for peace. Israelis and Palestinians alike were beginning to believe that real peace could come to them after so many decades of war and suffering.

America had no debt to the world, after having been a debtor nation under the previous administrations of George Bush Sr. and President Ronald Reagan, President William Clinton was able to lead America out of debt and indeed left a surplus of over 250 Billion Dollars in the U.S. Treasury when he left office.

Now, under the leadership and authority of President George Bush Jr., America is between 8 and 10 Trillion dollars in debt to nations who do not consider us as real friends. Nations like China who holds over 1.3 Trillion Dollars of American Treasury Bonds. Bonds President Bush permitted them to buy. Consequently, we are broke, broken and groping for vision and leadership in America as the whole world watches the spectacle George Bush and the Republican Party has made of my country.

All of this our President continually blames on our tragedy of 9/11, Katrina and our failure to drill for oil in everyone’s back yard from N.Y. to Alaska. For a while America bought it. We wanted to believe that we were heading in a direction that could bring peace and safety back to the U.S. and the world. We were attacked and we struck back, as we had every right to do. Suddenly we diverted our eyes from those who attacked us and focused on Iraq where most of our precious resources were diverted to. Those who attacked us on 9/11? Still at large in Afghanistan and Pakistan knowing the U.S. will not seek them out so long as they remain bogged down in Iraq.

The Hell we have created for the Iraqis? Out of our control now. It has evolved into a full fledged and unhealthy civil war between religious factions who both are more than willing to sacrifice their children, their women, their boys and girls in order to get the advantage over the other they seek. I feel, in the final analysis, the numbers of foreign fighters purported to be in Iraq will turn out to actually be far fewer than the administration would have wanted us to believe. I believe it is the Iraqis we are fighting and who are fighting us.

By dissolving the Army, Police force, civil institutions and governmental control and program entitlement ministries, Paul Bremer started Iraq on the road it walks today. His de-bathification program sealed the fate and future of Iraq in 2003 and, I believe, caused the insurgency to be born. When Paul Bremer returned to America, he was awarded the American Medal of Freedom by President Bush.

In the mean time, my youngest son, Sergeant Benjamin Adame will return to Iraq for his second tour next month. My second son, Staff Sergeant William Adame, was also scheduled to return soon, but has been delayed due to complications from the shrapnel wounds he received in Baqubah Iraq when his convoy was ambushed in 2006.
Thank God for small favors.

Today there is chaos in Iraq. When we leave, there will be chaos in Iraq for a time, but until we leave Iraq, the beginning of the end of chaos in Iraq cannot start.
