Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Senator John Warner After DoD For Blocking Social Website's YouTube, MySpace and Others From U.S. Troops Access

   You all know by now that those rocket scientist at the Department of Defense have decided that it will start blocking their computers  and networks from access to such sites as MySpace, Youtube, and about 11 other website's. This will be a worldwide ban and will go into effect this Monday.  Source

  But not so fast DoD!

Sen. John Warner (R-Va., Armed Services Committee) stated today that he will investigate this decision by the Pentagon.

Warner: “Believe me, I am going to jump on that like a June bug right now. I’ve got a call into the Pentagon saying, ‘Hey guys, what is the rationale?"

  The Pentagon is using the old security issue concern as their reason for cutting our troops off of these sites. Guess that Bush and his hired hands are getting a little tired of the troops posting videos of themselves and the carnage that they have to live with everyday while the Iraqi country goes to shit and our president lies about it.

  Of course, this would be in line with the Iraqi government deciding that news reporters and camera men are no longer allowed at car-bombing sites and such because they may be destroying evidence that the local police may need.

  One thing that I would like explained to me. Four year old war going on and Bush and Iraq just now coming up with these things? Come on now! If it took you people this long to think that evidence might be getting messed up, then Bush and his puppets are really as dumb and stupid as we have believed them to be.

   These two new rules are nothing but Bush/military ways of attempting to hide the truth about what is actually going on in Iraq.

  For all of you with son's and daughters/ husbands and wives in Iraq, I have a " work around " for the YouTube, MySpace problem that the Pentagon is so suddenly concerned about.
