Thursday, May 17, 2007

It Is Our Constitution/Bill Of Rights, Not Our governments

     We are going to take a look now at our U.S. Constitution and our Bill of Rights with the help of Steve Osborn over at Populist America, which is a very good site.

A Framer quotes

Under every government the [last] resort of the people, is an appeal to the sword; whether to defend themselves against the open attacks of a foreign enemy, or to check the insidious encroachments of domestic foes.  Whenever a people ... entrust the defence of their country to a regular, standing army, composed of mercenaries, the power of that country will remain under the direction of the most wealthy citizens.

Lord Acton quotes:

Everything secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity.


 Contract with America: The Bill of Rights

December 1, 2006
by Steve Osborn

The American People signed a contract. An agreement between the Governed and the Government. It is called the Constitution of the United States. The first ten amendments to that Constitution is known as the Bill of Rights. As Justice Hugo Black stated, "It is my belief that there are absolutes in our Bill of Rights, and that they were put there on purpose by men who knew what words meant and meant their prohibitions to be 'absolutes.'"

Think about it:

  • Without the First Amendment, newspapers could only print the "party line" or be suppressed. Books and plays would be censored or banned. We might have to attend the State Authorized Religion, or be forbidden to attend any other form of worship, or any worship at all. We could even have a church telling us how to live, backed up with government force! We would have no right of public assembly or protest, nor could we petition the government for a redress of grievances.
  • Without the Second Amendment, we would be a completely disarmed populace, at the mercy of government troops or security forces.
  • Without the Third Amendment, the government could quarter troops in your home without your consent.
  • Without the Fourth Amendment, the government's security force or military could search your home at will, without a warrant, confiscate your papers and property, monitor your communications and phone conversations without your ever knowing about it.
  • Without the Fifth Amendment, you could be picked up, your property confiscated, you could be held incommunicado for an indefinite time without legal counsel and could be forced to testify against yourself.
  • Without the Sixth Amendment, your could be held for an indefinite period, without charge, and without being told why you're being held. Your trial, if any, could be held in secret without your being able to confront your accusers or examining any evidence, nor would you have the right to legal counsel.
  • Without the Seventh Amendment, in civil suits, you would not have the right of trial by jury.
  • Without the Eighth Amendment, there would be no limit on the amount of bail set or fines imposed, and any cruel punishment could be meted out, even death by torture.
  • Without the Ninth Amendment, any rights not spelled out would be forfeit to the government.
  • Without the Tenth Amendment, the People of the United States would have no powers reserved to themselves, it would all lie with the State.

Isn't it tragic that the Congress gave to the Executive, through misguided PATRIOTism, an ACT that would unconstitutionally repeal those rights guaranteed by the Constitution and turn it all over to Homeland Security?

Read your Constitution and Bill of Rights, then read the text of the Patriot Act and the amended Patriot Act, then think about it. We the People of the United States have been virtually stripped of those freedoms that the founders of our nation fought so hard to secure from an earlier King George.
Everybody is heaving a great sigh of relief that the "Democrats" are now back in power, but already things are returning to business as usual.
We have got to impeach and remove the cancer that has infected our nation before it becomes inoperable. We are facing widened wars of desperation as Bush and his gang looks desperately for a way of regaining control. They are not beyond a "Black Op" against the United States (remember the Maine, Tonkin Gulf, the WMD lies and the jury is still out on 9/11) followed by a declaration of martial law. The groundwork has been carefully laid and is available to review on many sites.
We must hold Congress to the Contract that We the People made with them over two centuries ago, restore the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, intact and functioning to the halls of government, and return to using them for the rule and guide of our actions.

