Fri Dec 08, 2006 at 04:53:28 PM PST
First off a disclaimer: Yes, I'm from Japan and no I don't claim to be an expert on the American Wingnut Parade of Stars. Second: There are indeed plenty of Wingnut's here in Japan they just operate on a whole different weird level of existence. With that out of the way here is my ill-informed and always misguided look at Americas Wingnut's.
Even before the Release of the Iraq Survey Groups report on the situation in Iraq and what might be done to repair this "Little" disaster President Bush and his enablers were already attacking it.
They should have done just the opposite. In Japan the Prime Minister would have started embracing the report about a month before its release. Upon publication he would have acted like it was the next best thing since conveyor belt Sushi. He would have done this at a news conference intoning they were going to follow its recommendations and then ignored them.
With the shifting of power in the Congress to the Democrats Steny Hoyer the new Majority Leader has declared that the new Congress would now follow a 5 day workweek schedule. What do the Republicans do? They immediately start whinnying like a bunch of spoiled elementary school children. An example:
"I have bad news for you," Hoyer told reporters. "Those trips you had planned in January, forget 'em. We will be working almost every day in January, starting with the 4th."
"Keeping us up here eats away at families," said Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.), who typically flies home on Thursdays and returns to Washington on Tuesdays. "Marriages suffer. The Democrats could care less about families ? that's what this says."
You would think that with as lazy as these fools have been over the last year that they would embrace this as way to show they are ready to once again work for those who elected them. They remind me the civil servant in Nara here in Japan who managed to show up for work EIGHT times in 5 years and was still getting paid.
Mary Cheney announced this week that she and her partner are expecting their first child next spring. As usual the Family Values Crowd of the wingnut's from Mars section of the Republican party couldn't wait to show just how pro-family they are and embrace Mary's pregnancy.
Sure they did! Instead one would have thought the Antichrist had just showed up. Or, perhaps it was the Grim Reaper. Such open minds these people have and all for family values too. Here is an example of their thinking Mary Cheney Cruel to Children
At this point your thinking he's forgotten that one group that the rightwing crazies just love to hate: The Liberal Elite Media and all of there alleged hatred of the the right. Wrong.
In need of a new whipping boy the Rightwing Parade of Stars have chosen David Gregory as their favorite reporter to hate. Why you ask? Because he's willing to actually ask the Dear Leader relevant questions about the course of this administration and its stance on the issues of the day. What a bad man he is.
He doesn't seem to understand how it is supposed to work. You drink our Kool-Aid and we will feed all the lies necessary to make us look like the leaders we know are selves to and you can not only keep your job we won't make you take vacations with Rush and the other howling freaks won't attack you.
What was their opinion of Mr. Gregory in say 2001.
isn't it Interesting that the conservative?cough?cough?watchdog group "Media Research Center," voted Gregory as the Top White House correspondent of 2001.
Crooks and Liars
And from the NRO
Steyn Takes On the AP, NBC's David Gregory
Next up: NBC's buffoonish David Gregory, who recently got into another altercation with Tony Snow:
Well, I think David Gregory is not typical because he is interested in the David Gregory vaudeville show and if I was in some second-rate vaudeville house in 1873, I might think it was very entertaining. It's lame entertainment for the 21st century because that's not what it's about. This is not about landing a question on Bush. This is about strategic interest of the super power and, in fact, the question for the rest of the world is whether this country still is a super power. It's not the David Gregory show.NRO Media
Thank you for joining me in my illconcieved, uninformed look at Americas Wingnut Parade of Stars. Next time I'll discuss whether or not the White House is involved in a Weekend at Bernies cover-up with George Bush.
Crossposted from DailyKos