Saturday, December 16, 2006

More Troops in Iraq

   According to an administration official, Mr. Bush is more than likely going to boost troops levels in Iraq by as much as 25,000  to try to stop the violence. 

    Also, the U.S. military may be sending The 2nd Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division into Kuwait after the new year. A senior Defense Department official told the Associated Press  that The 2nd Brigade, made up of around 3500 troops,would be deployed in Iraq early next year if needed.

   As much as I would like to see our men and women come home sooner rather than later, if the government is sending in more troops, this should have been done at least a year ago! It would have been nice if we had sent in enough to do the job right at the beginning of what has become our worst nightmare! Face the facts! Mr. Bush and company have pretty much started a civil war in Iraq!


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