Friday, September 05, 2008

John McCains RNC Speech: Republican Con Job

  and that is putting it mildly.

    I had to drink a pot of coffee just to keep my attention on what McCain was saying, which wasn't a whole lot. His piece of shit speech was directed at nobody but his conservative base and to have the nerve to say that the Republicans are the change that this country needs after it has been eight years of Republicans who have fucked things up in the first place? John McCain is the second incarnation of George Bush. Make no mistake about it.


With the pick of Sarah Palin, McCain's told the world he's more conservative than anyone feared, and if he wins, he'll do everything he can to appoint Supreme Court justices in the mold of Scalia and Thomas, overturn Roe v Wade and restart the culture wars and re-fight the Vietnam War, the Iraq War, and by the sound of the speech last night any other war he can get his hands on. He wants a base election not because he believes in it, but because he will do anything, anything, to win, including sell his soul on live television to the religious right. This is a man that puts ambition over country and over family, and it was as plain as the humorless and mean-spirited speeches throughout the convention. 

So this man who has been a creature in and of Washington for decades, who voted with Bush 95% of the time, who supported him on Iraq and on the economy, now wants to convince the country that the problem is Republicans (yes, we know that, Senator), and so therefore the solution is  - wait for it - Republicans. Riiight. That will go over well with the country. Easy sell.

    the sad thing in this whole election and especially after his boring, say nothing speech, McCain could pull a win off. The video of the flag waving in the back ground and his story of his time in Vietnam will get some of the so called patriots to cast a vote for him.

  Oh, and did you know that McCain was a POW?