Sunday, December 07, 2008

A Word Of Wisdom And Warning To Obama And The Democratic Party

    Remember the past 16 years or so President-elect Obama.

    The RepubliCons and the blue-dogs did a fine job resisting anything that could be vaguely construed as progressive during the Clinton years. Health care reforms, nah. Gays in the military, nah. After failing early on, BillCo hewed to the center and pondered on "what is 'is' ." Bang!

    In contrast, G.W. did not get his agenda passed by playing nice with the Democrats nor even with many in his own party -- he had a vision he believed in and he had it executed. Bodies were left by the wayside scarcely noticed.

    Have Obama and the Democratic leadership been taking notes? They best get a lot done, and a lot undone within 18 months or we'll see how outdated that fine chameleon of the GOP really is in 2010. It would be so nice to see history in the making rather than a repeat of history delivered, sooner or later, to the GOP on a platter of compromise.       by dRefractor

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this is a great blog, and I would like to Post a Comment

There has been some recent news you might like to hear.Obama is making it better for us already! There has been an increase of money availability to everyone. Due to recession there is increased funding for all types of grants. Even lenders are bending over backwards to bail you out too. Regardless of statistics, there is people getting tons of cheap money for personal use, investments,start businesses, buy homes, pay off debt, and more. Bailout is for YOU