Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Egyptian President Mubarak Sends In His Thugs

Earlier, witnesses said the military allowed thousands of pro-Mubarak supporters, armed with sticks and knives, to enter the square. Opposition groups said Mubarak had sent in thugs to suppress anti-government protests.

One of our correspondents said the army seemed to be standing by and facilitating the clashes. Latest reports suggest that the centre of the square is still in control of the protesters, despite the pro-Mubarak supporters gaining ground.    Al Jazeera

    Funny thing about the timing of the violence that has broken out between the anti-Mubarak protesters and the pro-Mubarak protesters.

"The events of the last few days require us all as a people and as a leadership to chose between chaos and stability and to set in front of us new circumstances and a new Egyptian reality which our people and armed forces must work with wisely and in the interest of Egypt and its citizens.   Mubarak

    Up until Mubarak gave his speech, there was very little chaos going on. The looting that had been going on was reportedly being done by his own police forces in many instances. The majority of the violence which is now happening did not begin until the pro-Mubarak forces took to the streets and started the continuing violent intimidation of the other protesters. This is a dictator’s only option when being faced with his over-throw.