Sunday, June 05, 2011

Sarah Palin’s Knowledge Of American History

  Which you and I know does not exist in the brain of that woman, as was evident just a few days ago with her little speech at Gettysburg’

   I had nothing to do this morning so I went browsing over at the Fox news website, where I ran across this article on Fox’s favorite idiot, Sarah Palin. Of course, it is nothing but a fluff piece and while reading it I realized that Fox news followers really have to be idiots to believe any of this crap.

Each stop on her tour appeals to these conservatives. At the National Archives, she underscored her belief in the Constitution’s primary role in American politics and the need to restore its preeminence, and at Gettysburg she identified with the American military and demonstrated her interest and knowledge of American history.   (emphasis added )

Should she choose not to run ( for President ), every candidate for the Republican presidential nomination will seek her support, and the media will seek her analysis of the candidates and issues.

   The media, with the exception of Fox news, will only seek Palin’s analysis when they need a good laugh or they have placed bets among each other over how ignorant she can appear while giving a speech.

   If this is the best that the Tea Party/Republican Party can do, try again in 2016.