Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Wisconsin Senate Taliban Strips Workers of Collective Bargaining Rights

Wisconsin's Taliban chief Scott Walker and his Taliban sidekicks in the state Senate voted just a short time ago to take away collective bargaining rights from public workers. the Taliban voted 18-1 for this assault on Wisconsin public workers.

The Senate requires a quorum to take up any measures that spend money. But Republicans on Wednesday split from the legislation the proposal to curtail union rights,and a special conference committee of state lawmakers approved that bill a short time later. The lone Democrat present on the conference committee, Rep. Tony Barca, shouted that the surprise meeting was a violation of the state's open meetings law but Republicans voted over his objections. The Senate then convened within minutes and passed it without discussion or debate. Spectators in the gallery screamed "You are cowards."
for whatever reason the damned link will not show. I'll try to correct this as soon as is possible.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Palm Trees anyone?