Sunday, July 20, 2008

John McCain's Views and Voting History

  Let me introduce you to a site that I ran across this morning. It is called Working Families Vote 2008 and the section that the link points to concerns Senator McCain and his views/votes on healthcare. There are many other issues on which McCain has voted for you to take a look at if you wish.

  Just a small sample of info on


     John McCain’s health care proposal is similar to President Bush’s failed plan. Like Bush’s, McCain’s plan undermines existing employer-based health care and pushes workers into the private market to fight big insurance companies on their own. It will reduce benefits, increase costs and leave many with no health care at all.

New Tax on Working Families. McCain wants to shift the burden from employers to workers. He will make health care premiums part of taxable income, essentially creating a new tax for working families.

Leaves Workers at the Mercy of Big Insurance Companies.McCain’s efforts to “eliminate the bias” toward employer-based health care will encourage employers to stop offering health care, pushing workers into an unregulated private insurance market to fend for themselves. Big insurance companies will be free to weed out people with health care needs, charge excessive premiums and limit benefits.  more here

Nancy Pelosi Calls Bush a "total failure"

     As if House Speaker Pelosi has any room to talk. That's for another day though.

     Bush has been giving the Congress hell as of late because our " do nothing " Congress has yet to pass even one single government spending bill and the Congress has only 26 days left of this session.

    Pelosi was on CNN on Thursday and this is what she had to say about Bush after his remarks.

    "You know, God bless him, bless his heart, president of the United States, a total failure, losing all credibility with the American people on the economy, on the war, on energy, you name the subject," Pelosi replied. She then tsk-tsked Bush for "challenging Congress when we are trying to sweep up after his mess over and over and over again."

  President Bush's approval rating is now at 28%, while the Congress enjoys a much lower 18% rating. It was at 23% just one month ago.