Saturday, October 11, 2008

John McCain: “Obama Is A Decent Person"

  Well, it certainly took Senator McCain long enough to try to slow the hate rhetoric down at both he and his sidekick's town-hall meetings. I think that this is just a little to late as far as his campaign is concerned. He is toast and he has a special thanks to his VP nominee Sarah Palin to thank for that. Her hate filled speeches and attempts at getting her crowds worked up enough to say " kill him "  ( Barack Obama ) should have her ass arrested.

  So what do they think about this bullshit in the press overseas? Let us go take a read from a German newspaper.

  Translated  by the fine people at  Watching America

By Jörg Lau
John McCain played this disastrous game for too long a time and now he’s forced to confront his own supporters. That’s the honorable thing to do and it befits his maverick image.
Translated By Ron Argentati
11 October 2008
Germany - Die Zeit - Original Article (German)
After almost daily attacks on Barack Obama, mainly by Sarah Palin, John McCain has slammed on the brakes. On Friday, he said in a townhall meeting with supporters that Barack Obama was “a decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared of as president of the United States.”
With that, John McCain gave proof of his own decency. After the attacks of recent days when Obama was accused of “palling around” with terrorists, people were beginning to wonder about McCain.
This nasty attack style, introduced by McCain’s new campaign manager, Steve Schmidt, didn’t exactly arrive at an opportune moment. But McCain’s running mate, Sarah Palin, had no reservations right from the beginning about running a dirty campaign. The terrorism attacks came from her.
John McCain has now taken over control of his campaign. He wants to win (or, more correctly, lose) on his own ideas and character, a decision that does him honor.
At Republican campaign events recently, more and more of McCain’s hate-filled supporters were becoming vocal. At the mention of Obama’s name, many yelled “terrorist” and even “kill him.”
At one townhall meeting, a woman said “I don’t trust Obama. I’ve read about him. He’s an Arab.” McCain had to go against the crowd: “No, ma’am,” McCain said several times, shaking his head in disagreement. “He’s a decent, family man, [a] citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues and that’s what this campaign is all about.”
John McCain played this disastrous game for too long a time and now he’s forced to confront his own supporters. That’s the honorable thing to do and it befits his maverick image.
But it also means the Republicans are finished as far as this election is concerned.


The Week For Conservatives..

   wasn't a very good week. We had the party's true colors ( bigots, racist, hate-mongers ) show up in full force complete with the backing of both John McCain and Sarah ( Brainless Barbie ) Palin.

by DarkSyde @ DKos  Sat Oct 11, 2008

It's chilling to contemplate just how many more weeks like this one the country can take. Bad week, real bad; ugly start to nasty finish. What sucks even more is the entire nation is gripped ever more tightly in an eternal conservative nightmare from which it cannot yet wake.

This Week in Conservatism we learned that even as Lady Liberty stumbles and falls to her knees, crying out for a candidate that will unite us in purpose and lead us to solutions, the Plain-McSame campaign somehow concluded that what the Homeland really, actually, desperately needs is more hatred, ignorance, and division amongst ourselves. We learned that Conservative economic ideology leads to economic collapse with all too real and all too terrible consequences. And we learned that Sarah Palin is an official bald-faced liar.

Exhibit I: What a wondrous & magical free, unregulated market the GOP has brought us. This week we followed that conservative incarnation of the miraculous free market to its logical end: utter collapse. If the stock market part of the market is a forward looking indicator, The Great Republican Recession is almost upon us and, hey, it could get even worse:

"I've never seen a panic like this," said David Wyss, chief economist at Standard & Poor's. "I've seen stock market drops, but not an overall panic." The plunge came in a stomach-churning 90 minutes. The Dow was down just 140 points in the early afternoon. But then, wave after wave of selling began to roll through the market. Stocks are on track for their worst year since 1937.

Exhibit II: I'm pretty sure, given the level of prideful ignorance and raw hatred on display at GOP rallies these days, that even if McCain did know the "projector" he used to diss Obama was a cosmic space-time learning machine for humans, he wouldn't have cared, in part because he truly does not comprehend the technical advances made in FX/Graphics in the last four decades:

Well, shock of shocks — it turns out McCain’s characterization of this was all wrong. In fact, I would call it a lie. He knows it wasn’t for an overhead projector, a piece of classroom equipment that costs a couple of hundred dollars. That money was for Adler’s Zeiss Mark VI star projector: a venerable piece of precision fabricated equipment that projects the stars, constellations, and other objects inside the planetarium dome. Adler’s Zeiss is 40 years old ...

Exhibit 3: Sarah Palin abused her power and violated Alaskan statutes.