Sunday, November 06, 2011

Mitt Romney’s Conservative Christian Economic Plan: Favors The 1% Across The Board

  Millionaires, especially Christian Conservatives,making up the economic plans for the United States is one of the reasons that they should not be charged with doing the task as they make plans to help themselves keep more of their money while the remainder of us pay for their indulgences. Face it folks, the wealthy are not going to do anything that helps the 99% if it might cost them a few dollars.

Romney Economic Plan: Of The 1%, By The 1%, For The 1%

Nov 4, 2011 | By ThinkProgress War Room

A Plan Fit For a Billionaire (Or Two)

This afternoon, Mitt Romney delivered a fiscal policy speech at a “Defending the American Dream” conference sponsored by the Koch Brothers’ front group, Americans for Prosperity. See below and you’ll understand why David Koch himself was in the front clapping for millionaire Mitt Romney.

Romney’s Plan — The Lowlights

    $6.6 TRILLION in tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations
    $6.5 TRILLION added to the deficit
    Cuts to Social Security
    The end of Medicare as we know it
    Cuts to Medicaid more draconian those in the House GOP budget plan
    Repeals the Affordable Care Act — eliminating health care coverage for 32 MILLION Americans

Specifically outlines cuts in funding for:
        Planned Parenthood and Title X women’s health programs
        NPR and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
        National Endowment for the Arts & Humanities
        Foreign aid
    Repeals the New Deal-era law that ensures government contractors pay their workers a fair wage
    Throws more than 400,000 federal employees out of work
    Increases defense spending

Fun Fact

Romney’s plan to completely eliminate the estate tax would mean an $8.7 BILLION windfall for each of the billionaire Koch Brothers.

Ask The Experts

Here’s what Center for American Progress Action Fund experts had to say about Romney’s plan:

Michael Ettlinger, vice president for Economic Policy:

    “The plan that Governor Romney announced today….is a plan that is of the top 1 percent, by the top 1 percent, for the top 1 percent.”

    “Romney called reducing the deficit a moral imperative. Given that Romney’s plan adds trillions to the deficit, it would appear to be morally bankrupt.”

Michael Linden, director of Tax & Budget Policy:

    “For a speech that was billed as a plan to reduce the deficit, Romney’s numbers sure do add a lot to the national debt and deficits.”

    “The cuts that [Romney] does outline are very damaging to the middle class and senior citizens.”

Heather Boushey, senior economist:

    “We’ve seen this movie before. Quite frankly it won’t create any jobs.”

    “This is going to do nothing to help not only the 99 percent, but the 9 percent of folks who remain out of work today.”

IN ONE SENTENCE: Mitt Romney may claim his plan defends the American Dream, but it would be nothing but a nightmare for the 99 percent.

This material [Romney Economic Plan: Of The 1%, By The 1%, For The 1%] was created by the Center for American Progress Action Fund"

Michele Bachmann’s Conservative Christian Idea

  Bachman, Perry, Cain, and the remainder of the pool of fools seeking the 2012 GOP nomination to run against President Obama have to be the type of  “ Christians “ which Ghandi was thinking of when he made the statement that  "i like your Christ, but not your Christians. they are not very Christ like."

   Bachmann’s latest tax idea for the poor:

Bachmann Would Eliminate Tax Credit That Kept Three Million Children Out Of Poverty Last Year

By Pat Garofalo on Nov 3, 2011

bachmannentitle0815[4]Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), who is campaigning for the 2012 GOP presidential nod, has already made it quite clear that she intends to raise taxes on the poorest Americans if elected. Today, she rolled out a new plan to hike taxes on those at the bottom of the income scale: eliminating the Earned Income Tax Credit.

In an interview with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto, Bachmann said she would “do away with the EITC,” and force someone who made only $3 to pay taxes on it:

This would be through the income tax system because the problem is, and this is where I deviate from Reagan, he instituted the Earned Income Tax Credit, it’s known as the EITC, and that effectively took many many Americans out of even having to pay any tax liability at all. I would do away with the EITC and if a person has $3 in income they would be subject to something. Obviously, no one has $3 in income. But they would have to pay something through that system.

The EITC is a tax credit for those at the lowest end of the income scale, going to families with children that make less than $36,000 per year (though the income level can vary depending on year and number of dependents). Individuals making less than $18,000 annually can also qualify for a small credit.

President Reagan called the EITC “the best antipoverty, the best pro-family, the best job creation measure to come out of Congress.” According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, “research indicates that families mostly use the EITC to pay for necessities, repair homes, maintain vehicles that are needed to commute to work, and in some cases, obtain additional education or training to boost their employability and earning power.” And in recent years, the EITC has been essential in lifting families out of poverty:

The EITC reduces poverty by supplementing the earnings of workers with low wages and low earnings. There has been broad bipartisan agreement that a two-parent family with two children with a full-time, minimum-wage worker should not have to raise its children in poverty. At the federal minimum wage’s current level, such a family can move above the poverty line for an average family of four only if it receives the EITC as well as SNAP (food stamp) benefits.

In each of the last two years, the EITC kept 3 million children out of poverty. But Bachmann would eliminate it in order to tax those who make the least amount of money. At the same time, she has said that she is “open to” eliminating the corporate income tax

    Just what part of help those less fortunate and needy do these “ Conservative Christians “ and their followers not understand? I hate to say it to these jerk-offs, but, I seriously believe that Jesus would have nothing to do with this group of frauds.

"This material [Bachmann Would Eliminate Tax Credit That Kept Three Million Children Out Of Poverty Last Year] was created by the Center for American Progress Action Fund"