Monday, January 09, 2012

Newt Gingrich’s Super PAC Strikes Back Against Mitt Romney’s

    Oh yes, now the real fun begins as these two snakes go about trying to swallow the other one up in their quest to be the GOP warrior against President Barack Obama in the November, 2012 election. This Gingrich/Romney title fight should be presented on pay-per-view as the “ Super Pac Men “ championship show down. Grab your beer, chips, and salsa for this one as Newt strikes back against Romney with a new video.

Gingrich Super PAC Hits Romney for Corporate Raiding Past — Bring the Popcorn!

By Mets102      Posted on Sat Jan 07, 2012

Newt Gingrich's super PAC has purchased the rights to a film attacking Mitt Romney's history of being a corporate raider.  The ads are set to go in South Carolina, with its all-important GOP primary coming up.  And, these days, it seems Newt is more interested in settling scores and hitting Romney following attacks on Gingrich by Romney's super PAC.  After running a largely positive campaign in Iowa, Gingrich now appears ready to go scorched earth in his attacks on the "Massachusetts Moderate" to deny Romney the nomination.

Peter Boyer, over at The Daily Beast, reported last night that it is a 27-minute video, entitled, When Mitt Romney Came to Town that:

focuses on four case studies of Bain’s acquisitions—a Florida-based company called UniMac, which produced commercial laundry equipment; KayBee Toys; the electronics company DDI; and AmPad, an Indiana-based office-supply producer. The key result of these transactions, the film asserts, was “spectacular returns” for Bain through “stripping American businesses of assets, selling everything to the highest bidder, and often killing jobs for big financial rewards.”

As Rick Tyler, described by MSNBC as a senior adviser to Gingrich's super PAC, stated:

“For the first time, this film will show what Bain Capital actually did,” said Rick Tyler, a senior adviser to Winning Our Future, a pro-Gingrich super PAC that acquired the rights to the movie on Friday. The super PAC is posting a two-minute trailer from the 27-minute film on a website Saturday.

“They targeted companies … they raided them … and thousands of workers lost their jobs. This is not capitalism. This is predatory, (emphasis my own)” Tyler said.

I must say, it is quite fun to see the Republicans comparing each other to President Obama because one dares to attack Romney's past as a corporate raider:

Andrea Saul, a spokeswoman for the Romney campaign, responded Saturday: “It’s puzzling to see Speaker Gingrich and his supporters continue their attacks on free enterprise. This is the type of criticism we've come to expect from President Obama and his left-wing allies at Unlike President Obama and Speaker Gingrich, Mitt Romney spent his career in business and knows what it will take to turn around our nation’s bad economy.”

With the Republicans debating the crazy tonight, all I can say is let's enjoy watching them attack each other and write President Obama's ads for this fall, especially if Romney is the nominee.  Corporate Raider Mitt Romney, who has never met an issue he isn't willing to flip-flop on, provides a stark contrast with President Obama and the fight for the middle class.  Oh, and the best part, this video was made by someone who once did ads for Romney and is connected to Mary Cheney, daughter of Dick Cheney.  All I can say is:  Sit back and bring the popcorn!

Originally posted to Jews For President Obama on Sat Jan 07, 2012
Also republished by Democrats, I Vote for Democrats, and Kos Georgia.


Sunday, January 08, 2012

Taxpayer Supported “ Liquid Stupid “

   So, what exactly is taxpayer supported “ liquid Stupid “ you ask?

   That would be the tax dollars that the United States Government collects from many of you, only to give it back to a group of people who did stupid shit while they were growing up, and continue to do as adults. That group would be those who have become lifelong drunkards who now collect a Social Security Disability check, or an Supplemental Security Income check from Uncle Sam because they were to stupid to know their limits. In many cases, they just did not care. Many of these ass-wipes haven’t been able to hold a steady job for better than 20 or more years because they couldn’t lay off of the booze long enough to go to work.

   I use a 57 year old female as an example, for starters. We will call her Terri, since that is her real name. This woman has a problem with alcohol that is so bad that it put her out in the streets for 7 years up until 2010. If it was not for the government giving her a monthly “ Stupid Check “ she would still be living in dirt.

   I remember that is was only a few years ago that the term “ stupid check “ was one that I did not care to hear. Well guess what? If Terri is an indication, then the term is an highly accurate one which fits the description of these clowns, and Terri is the queen bee of the group.

    Her habit was so bad enough at the time I met her, that in order to get her daily cans of “ Liquid Stupid “ she had resorted to prostitution for 4-packs of crap that no normal beer drinker would dare to call beer.

From her police record, it would seem that she was to drunk to sell her self, as she got arrested 2 times while walking the streets. She swears that both times were the first time that she had tried to be a hooker.

   When I met this creature, she had a habit of going into an apartment complex which is full of mostly older, handicapped people, and playing what I call “ touchy, feely “ with the old men  in order to get her nickels and dimes for her beers and cigarettes. I was not aware of this at the time that this was happening. She was drunk one day and told me about it. She also had the habit of selling off her monthly SNAP ( food stamps ) allotment to get her cans of crap for herself and for her other “ drunkard “ friends who were to lazy to get up off of their asses and apply for their own stamps, much less look for a job. These are the true bums that you workers  should not have to support.

    Terri has been an alcoholic for some 30 years and her own children would have nothing to do with her, even though they lived only a couple of miles away from her.

   Long story short, she now receives a check every month, a Social Security Disability check of slightly more than a 1k.

   What does she do now? Drinks her “ Liquid Stupid “ every day of the week until she runs out of money, and she drinks more of it now that she has a place to live in. In Tampa it is nearly impossible to rent a place if you have 6 felonies, so it took a few of us quite a bit of talking to get her in to a place, and lot’s of promises. Now she sits on her ass all day long, getting fat off of her beer and blaming everyone else but herself for her self-induced problems.

   You and I pay for her to do this shit. Why is that? Why do we have to pay for some idiot dimwit’s drinking habit, or for someone else's crack habit? This is an affront to the people of America who actually get up early in the morning to go to work or to look for a job. It is an insult and a slap in the face to those of us who try to make things better for ourselves and others. It is an insult to those people who have very real disabilities, yet have to jump through hoops to get approval for payment.

   This waste of taxpayer’s having to finance drinking and drug habits for people who chose to be stupid for most, if not all of their lives, has to come to an end. Our government is creating nothing but even more problems for our society by allowing drunks and drug addicts  to live off of those of us who try to make our lives worth something instead of sitting on our asses doing nothing but wasting a life that it not really worth living thanks to  “ Uncle Sam.”

   That may sound harsh to many of you, but it is the truth.

   Let’s get back to the drunk which I am using as an example, shall we?

   This past Sunday night, she got pissed off because I gave her the third degree over her consistent mumbling while we were watching a flick on dvd. She is like one of those assholes in a theater who cannot stop flapping their face without being told to shut up a few times. This only happens when she is stuck on drunk “ stupid.”  Anyway, she left for an hour or so and came back after I had went to bed. She has a key to let herself in, naturally, even though she shouldn’t be allowed to keep one as she leaves it in the door or loses it somewhere else.

   She lost it for the 4th time on Sunday, and after having torn up the place looking for it, I could only surmise  that she left it in the door once again. This time though, it appears that someone came along and took it.

   Now, I have 3 laptops and a desktop along with various other electronic gadgets which I am very fond of, so time to change the locks. I should not have to do this, and I would not have to if a normal person were here instead of some drunk piece of garbage.

   Before you start throwing insults my way, let me state that when sober she is as sweet as can be and I love her to death. When drunk, which is 95% of the time after she gets her check, she is not worth the ground that she crawls on and for at least 2 weeks, I do not like her at all.

    You can love someone to death for eternity, but when they keep doing the same stupid shit and not learning from it one has to stop caring as much. You cannot let your life go down the drain because of another persons stupidity and failure to try to do something about their problem. This woman does not even make the effort to do anything unless a can of Natural Ice is involved.

    She is lucky that she is not a male, otherwise that ass would be beaten down into the dirt every day of the week. As is, I am very close to not caring about whether she is a female or not, and just plain cleaning her fucking clock!

  2 years I have tried to get Terri do do something that would help herself, all to no avail.

  It is now time for myself to move on and to let her sink down back into the gutter that she came out of, where she apparently prefers to be.

  2012 is a new year and one in which I will be far away from this pathetic creature, because I no longer care what happens to her. She has made sure of that.

  S.S.D. should have never been approved for her, or for many others just like her. This is what the government allows many other drinkers and druggies to become.

   I have a few solutions to this waste of taxpayer money which I will be getting into later in the month. Right now, I have to go make sure that the drunk has not set the couch on fire.

   This rant is over and I am truly sorry that I vented on this blog. Had to get some of this off of my chest, and the only other people around here are never sober enough to speak with.