But, no army or navy in the world can over come unending strategic incompetence or widespread corruption at the highest levels of government. Division's can at best only try to offset delusional planners, Company's can only work to survive IEDs despite the rosy ideological inventions of right-wing media, Platoon's can only doggedly persevere in the face of both small arms ambush and deadly Neocon affectations. Our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines deserve better, much better.
Today, another deadly milestone passes, another battle will rage, another tragedy unfolds, more lives will end. And once again we are forced to recognize that this White House, the outgoing Rubber-stamp Republican Congress, and their right-wing chicken-hawk cheerleaders, have betrayed the trust of We the People as surely as they have forsaken the life and limb of far too many brave Americans in uniform.
By Darkside@ DailyKos