Sunday, December 03, 2006

Annan says Iraq much worse than civil war

    George Bush must be on drugs! He's got to be on something to be so far removed from reality!  For this punk to say that we are not seeing  a civil war in Iraq despite all of the evidence to the contrary is just plain amazing!

    U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said, "When we had the strife in Lebanon and other places, we called that a civil war -- this is much worse."

    He says that he agrees with the Iraqi's who have said that life is worse now than it was under Saddam Hussein. "If I were an average Iraqi obviously I would make the same comparison -- that they had a dictator who was brutal but they had their streets, they could go out, their kids could go to school and come back home without a mother or father worrying, 'Am I going to see my child again?"      

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MTP Transcript for Dec. 3 - Meet the Press

    Tim Russert took  Stephen Hadley to task today over a memo that he wrote about the Prime minister of Iraq and various other subjects ( Rumsfeld's memo)

    Below is the link to the entire conversation on Meet The Press: 

Link to MTP Transcript for Dec. 3 - Meet the Press, online at MSNBC -