It seems that the House has gotten to used to the 2 or 3 day work week that they have grown accustomed to since Bushco came into being. They're starting to cry because Rep. Steny H. Hoyer, the Maryland Democrat who will become House majority leader, has told them that they should expect to work more hours when the Democrats take their positions in January. Darn Democrats!
From WaPo :
"I have bad news for you," Hoyer told reporters. "Those trips you had planned in January, forget 'em. We will be working almost every day in January, starting with the 4th."
The reporters groaned. "I know, it's awful, isn't it?" Hoyer empathized.
For lawmakers, it is awful, compared with what they have come to expect. For much of this election year, the legislative week started late Tuesday and ended by Thursday afternoon -- and that was during the relatively few weeks the House wasn't in recess. More HERE
Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.), is complaining that the extra hours keeps them away from their families. Hey stupid, we are not paying you to work a 2 or 3 day week on our behalf! You are getting paid to be in Washington for 5 days per week and for however many hours per day that you need to be there to finish our business! You are not getting paid to go home to kiss up to the business interest that you might have!
Get with the program or go the hell home and stay home! Wal-Mart might take you!