Saturday, December 09, 2006

Your Do-Nothing Congress Adjourned

    The failure to pass budget bills for domestic agencies, said Rep. David Obey (news, bio, voting record), D-Wis., amounted to "a blatant admission of abject failure by the most useless Congress in modern times."  This was said after the GOP dumped the un-finished budget on the Democrats.

    In all fairness, the Congress did pass a few bills before they closed up shop Saturday morning (3:15 a.m.)  The Congress bought back some tax cuts that had expired and they passed some goodies that will protect doctors from a big cut in Medicare payments..

     There is more right from The Associated Press


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Friday, December 08, 2006

Bush's Ratings and the congressional Pay Raise

    Mr. Bush's ratings as far as the handling of the Iraqi war is concerned, are down again. No surprise there is there?   Only 27% of Americans approve of his handling of the war and  an all-time high (71%) think that he is doing a bad job with the war.

   Here is a different story for you, because you need to know this.

    Lawmakers get a cost of living increase every year on January 1st. For 2007 it is a 2 percent increase  which puts rank and file lawbreakers, I mean lawmakers, at some $168,500. According to CNN that is a $3,300 pay raise.

    I wish that I had a job where I could work only 2 or 3 days per week, get weeks off at a time, and also get cash from the lobbyist and free perks. I wouldn't want to leave that job either!

    Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California and Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada will try to block this raise. More power to them!


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