One of the writers over at DailyKos had a very nice article concerning this administration and its failure to remember that the government is " We the people."
I am posting a few of the paragraphs here and the link to the rest. Read it.
What Happened To Will Of The People?
by Maccabee
Sun Dec 17, 2006
We. Do. Not. Want. This. Damned. War.
This entire country is overwhelmingly against this war and the Bush Administration acts like we have no say so in it. He’s keeping America’s kids over there dying in this mix of quicksand and blood and faux patriotism. Why don’t we count? Why is this entire Congress of millionaires and elitists not listening to us? Why doesn’t our Emperor know that we could care less about his legacy? We don’t give a rat’s ass about what history books will say about him because we already know how posterity will cast him and there is nothing he can do to change that. We are goddamned tired of seeing Americans falling behind, losing our rights and our healthcare while he and his advisors spend our tax dollars in Iraq and give each other medals.
I hope the incoming Democrats know this.