Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Jeb Bush Says No More Politics For Him

   I'll just bet that the tears are flowing over Jeb Bush's (R-Fl) announcement that he will not be lurking around in politics anymore!

   It is one good thing that George Bush has done right in fucking up so many things simultaneously that he has made very sure that we will not see another Bushco Crime Family member in the White house any time soon! YES!!

   Jeb Bush spoke to Spanish-language reporters in Miami  and you can read the rest HERE.


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Joseph L. Bruno, Another One Under Investigation

    This man is the New York Senate Majority leader and he is one of the few men who has a tight grip on the state government in New York.

   On Tuesday, Mr. Bruno  said that he was being investigated by the F.B.I. who is looking into some of his business dealings.

   Mr. Bruno said that he has known of the investigation since last spring, which apparently surprised a few Republicans. A few said that they did not know of the investigation when they re-elected Bruno as the majority leader this past November.

   Of course, Bruno says that he has done nothing wrong.


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