Thursday, December 21, 2006

A $180 Million Early Retirement

   The rich keep getting richer and people like us keep getting shafted!

   It must be nice to be a CEO of an oil company or a pharmaceutical company these days.

   I'd like to ask Pfizer Inc.'s former chief executive, Henry A. McKinnell  what it feels like to get a $180 million dollar retirement package after investors got angry over his rich retirement benefits, which forced him into early retirement.

It includes an estimated $82.3 million in pension benefits, $77.9 million in deferred compensation, and cash and stock totaling more than $20.7 million.(AP))< for More

The Continuing Iraq Victory

  I could not resist a little humor other than George Bush, for a change.

   This comes from The Onion! I hope that you enjoy it!

America marks three and a half years of winning in Iraq, and nearly 3,000 victory deaths

December 18, 2006 | Issue 42•51

  Statistics released by the Department Of Defense estimated that 2,937 U.S. troops and over 100,000 Iraqi civilians have died in the ongoing American military victory in Iraq.  The Rest is HERE!