Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Hussein To Be Hanged In 30 Days


 Iraq's national security adviser,  Mouwafak al-Rubaie, said on Tuesday that the Iraqi appeals court has upheld the death sentence for Hussein. He said,"The appeals court approved the verdict to hang Saddam."

    Appeals court chief judge Aref Shahin said that the sentence,"must be implemented within 30 days. From tomorrow, any day could be the day of implementation."   More Here!

    After this verdict being upheld, I look for things in Iraq to get really interesting. Maybe we should let the "decider" send more troops to Iraq because when Hussein is hanged, all hell is going to break loose! Contrary to popular belief, not all in Iraq are for executing Hussein and he still has many more followers left who support him. Even the citizens who do not care for Hussein think that this entire trial was a staged event courtesy of the Bushco Crime Family and I do think that there will be some sort of retaliation in store.

   But what do I know?


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U.S. Deaths in Iraq Passes 9/11 Deaths

Ads by       Three of our troops were killed on Monday and another three were killed on Tuesday bringing the total deaths to 2,978. That is 5 more than those that died on 9/11.

        CHRISTOPHER TORCHIA, AP  12/26/2006

The AP count of those killed includes at least seven military civilians. Prior to the deaths announced Tuesday, the AP count was 15 higher than the Defense Department's tally, last updated Friday. At least 2,377 died as a result of hostile action, according to the military's numbers.

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