Wednesday, December 27, 2006

7 Troops dead In Iraq

    Thus far in December we have lost 87 service members due to the bullshit in Iraq, after 7 were killed on Tuesday, according to the U.S. military. 105 died in October, which was the deadliest month so far this year.

    According to the Pentagon,the total number of U.S. military deaths is 2,961.

    Here's an interesting report  from the Department of State which tells us how well things are going in Iraq under Bushco's currant plans. This status report on Iraq provides weekly updates in the eight key areas identified as pillars of U.S. Government policy.  

    The Washington Post says that the report isn't actually prepared by the state department but by people hired by a management consulting firm. That would be Bearing Point which is making $2 million to produce these reports.


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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Today In Bushco Land

By Julie Hirschfeld Davis
Sun reporter
Originally published December 26, 2006

WASHINGTON // President Bush is bracing for what could be an onslaught of investigations by the new Democratic-led Congress by hiring lawyers to fill key White House posts and preparing to play defense on countless document requests and possible subpoenas.

Bush is moving quickly to fill vacancies within his stable of lawyers, though White House officials say there are no plans to drastically expand the legal staff to deal with a flood of oversight.   More @ The Baltimore Sun

    I guess that old  Mr. Cheney and some of the other BushBots have got it through to Mr. Bush's thick skull that he and they could be in a world of trouble beginning next year! There will no doubt be an attempt made by the Bushco Crime Family to block access to tens of thousands of files and documents concern the Iraq war plans and so forth.

    Also on the wires for Tuesday, the Pentagon  is more than likely going to send some 3,500 troops to Kuwait to be ready for use in Iraq.

    I guess that the great " decider" has already made up his mind about sending troops that we do not really have, into war. My guess is that instead of being out at his ranch in Texas  to " re-think " his plans for Iraq, he is out there with HIS troops thinking of some way to make this sound good for the next Fox sound-bite! Lets face it. They have to come up with some kind of good-sounding lie because they've told so many now that they cannot be truthful!      ...and finally....

    James Pinkerton (Bio) over at The Huffington Post has a very nice little article on the "Guardians of Our Republic"  that you may want to have a look at.

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