Is Israel trying to push the Democrats into war with Iran?
This article from seems to suggest so. It makes for some very enlightening reading. The article is here!
Political news and current events. How's life?
Is Israel trying to push the Democrats into war with Iran?
This article from seems to suggest so. It makes for some very enlightening reading. The article is here!
Posted by Micheal_d at 3:01 PM 0 comments
Once upon a time in a free country that was called the United Sates, it's citizens could access almost all of the information that it wanted about government officials,government statistics and various other info.
Once upon a time the citizens of this once free society could even view the presidential records after a period of time. We citizens could even view the White house visitor records if we wanted to .
But then the stupid, blind, ignorant population of America elected (?) a dictator in 2000 and in 2004. This evil dictator would have no morals what so ever but he would pass himself off as a Christian to lock in the Christian vote and ideas. What a cruel, conniving little twit this man was/is!
To keep his loyal subjects from discovering how morally corrupt and crooked he and his posse where/are, he banished many records and reports to the land of 'disappear', never to be seen or read from his public.
In March of 2006, 'the decider' did away with the Census Bureau's Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP).
This may seem like a rather wonky concern, but it’s important. The SIPP data help researchers identify which programs best assist low-income families. As the 400 scholars noted, SIPP “also tracks health insurance coverage, and provides more in-depth information than other government survey on work-family issues, such as maternity leave, child care, and child support.” The Carpetbagger Report
The Idiot in Chief also did away with the Annual Terror Report after the White House spin did not match the actual numbers.
Next up was the Bureau of Labor Statistics dropping their annual report on factory closings (mass layoffs).
The White House's Office of Management and Budget decided to discontinue its annual "Budget Information for States" , the primary federal document reporting how much states get under each federal program. In fiscal 2003, the report ran 422 pages. In 2002, it was 415 pages.
One more here. Charter School Data was severely curtailed after the data showed that charter schools weren't going so good as the Bush regime would have you think.
Of course, most of the reason's for this was because it would save money. Since when has the Bush Crime Family concerned itself with saving any money?
We all know the latest round of hide and seek from these bastards!
That would be closing off the White House Visitor Records.
So much to hide! This is the dictator that many of you voted for in 2004! Who's sorry now?
Posted by Micheal_d at 1:47 PM 0 comments