Monday, January 08, 2007

Bush's Tax Cuts Benefit The Rich

   If you are a family earning upwards of a million dollars per year, you have to love Mr. Bush because his tax cuts are helping you out big time!

    This groups tax rate plunged more than any other group in 2004, the latest year available. Mid-income families tax rates went up a slight bit in 2004 but the folks at the top went down. Surprise, Surprise!

 EDMUND L. ANDREWS @ New York Times

Published: January 8, 2007

Though tax cuts for the rich were bigger than those for other groups, the wealthiest families paid a bigger share of total taxes. That is because their incomes have climbed far more rapidly, and the gap between rich and poor has widened in the last several years.    More Here

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       The report does go on to state that even though the top earners got the best breaks, those at the bottom did not suffer to much because with the Earned income Credit, most got money back from the government instead of paying into it.

    Still though, the biggest winners were the wealthy.


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Sunday, January 07, 2007

How Do We Make Bush Understand?

"...until we take to the streets and start protesting it in significant numbers—as was the case in the years leading up to our withdrawal from Vietnam—Bush & Cheney will believe they can wage war as they please."

Comment #45881 by MikeF. on 1/05 at 8:32 pm

    From in response to an article on Bu$h Inc and Iraq and the upcoming (?) invasion of Iran.

     It would seem that the only way to stop this future dictator, legally, would be to take our protest out into the streets as suggested above.

   Maybe our new Congress and House will do the right thing and begin proceedings against Bush and the rest of the White house so that we can get rid of them. Impeach,Indict,Imprison!

   I will be mass-emailing all of our congress and House to begin this process and I will be doing it on a regular basis. It is time for that fuckhead Bush and his chimps to go!!


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