Sunday, February 18, 2007

How Senator's Voted on Resolution Advancement on Saturday


The 56-34 roll call by which the Senate refused to advance a nonbinding resolution disapproving of President Bush's troop surge in Iraq.

 On this vote, a "yes" vote was a vote to advance the resolution and a "no" vote was a vote to stop it.

Voting "yes" were 48 Democrats, seven Republicans and one independent.

Voting "no" were no Democrats, 33 Republicans and one independent.


Sessions (R) No; Shelby (R) No.

Murkowski (R) Not Voting; Stevens (R) No.

Kyl (R) Not Voting; McCain (R) Not Voting.

Lincoln (D) Yes; Pryor (D) Yes.

Boxer (D) Yes; Feinstein (D) Yes.

Allard (R) No; Salazar (D) Yes.

Dodd (D) Yes; Lieberman (I) No.

Biden (D) Yes; Carper (D) Yes.

Martinez (R) No; Nelson (D) Yes.

Chambliss (R) No; Isakson (R) No.

Akaka (D) Yes; Inouye (D) Yes.

Craig (R) No; Crapo (R) No.

Durbin (D) Yes; Obama (D) Yes.

Bayh (D) Yes; Lugar (R) No.

Grassley (R) No; Harkin (D) Yes.

Brownback (R) No; Roberts (R) No.

Bunning (R) No; McConnell (R) No.

Landrieu (D) Yes; Vitter (R) No.

Collins (R) Yes; Snowe (R) Yes.

Cardin (D) Yes; Mikulski (D) Yes.

Kennedy (D) Yes; Kerry (D) Yes.

Levin (D) Yes; Stabenow (D) Yes.

Coleman (R) Yes; Klobuchar (D) Yes.

Cochran (R) Not Voting; Lott (R) No.

Bond (R) Not Voting; McCaskill (D) Yes.

Baucus (D) Yes; Tester (D) Yes.

Hagel (R) Yes; Nelson (D) Yes.

Ensign (R) Not Voting; Reid (D) Yes.

Gregg (R) No; Sununu (R) No.

Lautenberg (D) Yes; Menendez (D) Yes.

Bingaman (D) Yes; Domenici (R) No.

Clinton (D) Yes; Schumer (D) Yes.

Burr (R) No; Dole (R) No.

Conrad (D) Yes; Dorgan (D) Yes.

Brown (D) Yes; Voinovich (R) No.

Coburn (R) No; Inhofe (R) No.

Smith (R) Yes; Wyden (D) Yes.

Casey (D) Yes; Specter (R) Yes.

Reed (D) Yes; Whitehouse (D) Yes.

DeMint (R) No; Graham (R) No.

Johnson (D) Not Voting; Thune (R) No.

Alexander (R) No; Corker (R) Not Voting.

Cornyn (R) No; Hutchison (R) No.

Bennett (R) Not Voting; Hatch (R) Not Voting.

Leahy (D) Yes; Sanders (I) Yes.

Warner (R) Yes; Webb (D) Yes.

Cantwell (D) Yes; Murray (D) Yes.

Byrd (D) Yes; Rockefeller (D) Yes.

Feingold (D) Yes; Kohl (D) Yes.

Enzi (R) No; Thomas (R) No.

                    * * * *

   I know a few Republicans who are in for a bad time after this vote.


U.S. Helicopter Crashes In Afghanistan Killing 8

   The U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan says that eight of our troops were killed and another fourteen were wounded when helicopter crashed. The crew had reported engine failure just before it went down

   NATO spokesman Tom Collins said,"It was not enemy fire related. The pilot was able to radio in that he was having engine problems. We're confident it was not due to enemy action."

    Reporters were not allowed at the crash sight.


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