Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Church Pastor Refuses To Leave

  Here's one for you.

   A nice little church in Georgia is having a minor problem getting rid of it's pastor, Willie M. Bolden. 

   Bolden refuses to leave and has even taken the church to court three times and we are talking all the way up to the Georgia Supreme Court.

   Bolden says that this all started because of a dispute with Robert Barton, one of the churches most powerful members, who used to take  care of the church finances and a few other tasks.  It seems as if Bolden decided to spread some of those duties to others which were more to his liking so the fight was on.  The church deacons got tired of Bolden running things as he was so they attempted to dismiss him but he heard about the attempt and before he could be banished he canceled the meeting and got rid of the deacons and Barton. Guess that fixed that, right?


Barton, who declined comment, sued — and the case landed in the Georgia Supreme Court for the first time. The justices ruled they couldn't weigh in on religious matters, but suggested they could have a say if the case was presented as a property dispute.

Last August, dozens of congregants filed into the tiny chapel to cast their ballots as a trial judge watched. It was over quickly: The members voted to support the deacons by a 27-12 margin.    More Here



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Bush Still Preaching About The Needed Resources For US Troops

Iraq Slogger

President Bush, speaking in front of an audience at the Republican Governor's Gala Monday evening

"This Congress will have to make a decision that will have real consequences: whether or not to fund the troops we have sent into harm's way....Wherever members may stand on my decision, we have a solemn responsibility to give our troops the resources and the flexibility they need to prevail."

   Once again Mr. Bush, where have those resources ( equipment, vest, etc.) been the last 4 years? If you are so concerned with our military having the things that they need to win in Iraq, then why do members of the US troops families have to pitch in and buy some of the those resources?

   You sir, are a disgusting human being, and that is giving you to much credit!


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