It was once said somewhere that George Bush is the best thing that ever happened to Israel and it seems as if the government of Israel wants to be just like Bush also.
Ex Supreme Court president Meir Shamgar has went ahead and signed a petition opposing Justice Minister Daniel Friedmann's proposal to decrease or to totally do away with the Supreme Court's power to overturn Knesset legislation.
"Abolishing substantive judicial review endangers the freedoms that have been legislated to date," said the petition. "Such a proposal does not advance the rule of law, but moves it backward."
The meaning of abolishing judicial review, it continued, is that "Israeli citizens would lose the fundamental freedoms granted to them in the Basic Laws any time a majority of Knesset members so decides. We oppose these proposals and believe that instead, it is necessary to move forward on enacting a full constitution that will ensure all the basic human rights and their protection."
Apparently Justice Friedmann has been watching Cheney training video's to often and reading the text of Bush's speeches and orders.
I used to favor supporting Israel but that seems to be changing a little day by day.