What would the week be without a look at a Tony Snow press briefing?
This question concerns Walter Reed and why it took a Washington Post story to get the White House's attention on the matter.
Q Why did it require media exposure for the President and the administration to act on this?
MR. SNOW: I think what happened was that people weren't aware of it. And that was one of the sources of concern.
Q So none of the letters or the protests that have been expressed by the veterans' families ever reached anyone in a position of power?
MR. SNOW: Well, apparently, what happened was that within the chain of command, things were not getting up high enough and, therefore, weren't acted upon.
Q And the President and the administration wasn't aware of other media reports that came out last year about these issues?
MR. SNOW: I don't want to say that nobody was aware of them, but when the President saw the story in The Post, that was the first he was aware of what was going on in Unit 18. And as I told you the following day, he wanted to know what was wrong and get it fixed.
I guess that is one truth that President Bush has told. He doesn't read to much.
I say that we all pitch in and buy the man the updated version of Hooked-On-Phonics so that he can learn to read something other than "My Pet Goat".