WASHINGTON - President Bush's troop buildup in Baghdad apparently will be bigger and more costly — and perhaps last longer — than it seemed when he unveiled the plan in January as the centerpiece of a new Iraq strategy.
The only people who will be surprised about this will be, no one. Maybe a few who watch Fox News but then that network will spin the story for its viewers to make it sound like this will be a good thing.
Maj. Gen. Joseph Fil Jr., commander of the 1st Cavalry, said Feb. 16 he has requested additional attack helicopters, and Gates said Wednesday that other unspecified requests for extra troops were being studied at the Pentagon.
Gordon England, the deputy defense secretary, told Congress this week that the total number of support troops could approach 7,000.
By the time these additional troops are in Iraq, the need for more will have doubled and then some. Let's Face it. The troops of the United States military are not going to leave Iraq anytime soon, period. The Bush Crime Family does not want them back home and the Democrats that we put into office are spineless! The way that they are going will never get any results on Iraq and I am beginning to doubt that the Dems want our troops home themselves.
We all know that cutting the funding is the only way that this is going to happen and we are unfortunately stuck with some Democrats who do not want to do that. In my book, that makes them not much of a Democrat and certainly not in support of our troops!