Meanwhile, down in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Hugo Chavez has been leading an anti-American rally which drew some 20,000 into a football stadium to listen to him and to cheer him on. Source
No matter what you may think of Chavez, you have to give the man some credit for doing what he believes in, whether it is right or wrong. It is just to bad that the United States doesn't have a president with any nerve of his own and who just happens to make mostly wrong decisions on the rare occasions when he is allowed to .
Hugo Chavez did have some interesting comments to make at his rally.
Al Jazeera MARCH 10, 2007
Alluding to Bush's waning years in office, Chavez said: "The US president today is a true political cadaver and now he does not even smell of sulphur anymore.
"What the little gentleman from the North now exudes is the smell of political death and in a very short time he will be converted into cosmic dust and disappear from the stage."
"North America for the North Americans, South America for the South Americans. This is our America!" he said, standing under a large sign reading "Bush and Imperialism, Out!" and "Yes to Latin American unity!"
On Argentine state television, the Venezuelan leader on Friday, said: "It seems he's just now discovered that poverty exists in the region".
Isn't it nice to have such a well loved president as Bush in the White House?
The sad thing is that the citizens of the United States are looked upon with as much contempt as Bush is because a few million of you idiots voted for him the second time around and that is seen by the rest of the world as condoning his actions.
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Osama Bin Laden turns 50 years of age today if he is still among the living. The Taliban will be giving their little war a break in order to offer up special prayers to Allah granting Bin Laden another 200 years of life.
Taliban spokesman Mullah Hayatullah Khan:"He is alive. I am 100 per cent sure." He also stated that Taliban senior leaders have been in touch with Osama.
Did you know that Bin Laden inherited $300 million when he was only 14 years of age? Source
If he is still alive, he must be laughing his butt off at the infidels who were suckered into this war by the Bush crime clan and then suckered into voting for the Idiot in Chief a second time.