by kos
Mon Mar 12, 2007
For future hearings, Democrats and Republicans won’t sit on opposite sides of the dais but rather, next to each other — alternating Democrat, Republican, Democrat, Republican etc.
In a joint statement , Chairman Lieberman, an independent, and ranking Republican Collins, said “In the last election, the voters said they were sick of the partisanship that produces gridlock… So, as a start, instead of sitting on opposite sides of the room like a house divided, we want the American people to see us sitting side by side as our committee members work together make our nation more secure and our government more efficient.”
"Partisanship that produces gridlock"? Um, Joe and Susan -- the GOP had complete control of the US government until this year.
THAT'S what people voted against -- Republican governance. They hated it. It's been a mess. They wanted Democrats to put an end to it.
In other words, they voted for gridlock.
And in 2008, we'll find out if they want more gridlock, or if they'd rather give Democrats a shot at governing.
Go away Lieberman, no one wants to hear from you anymore.