This little twerp has got alot of nerve or either a lack of functioning brain cells. Maybe it is both.
Old Georgie boy is having a temper tantrum because he isn't going to get his way with the Democrats and he really has no backing from the Republicans when it comes to the " purge " of the prosecutors. All that the Repugnicans can do at this point is stand on the sidelines and watch the crime empire slowly head into a crumble. Isn't this just great?
So now the asshole is going to go to court to avoid having his cronies testify under oath and to try to claim some sort of executive privilege. Any court that buys that bullshit should be disbanded for treason against the United States citizens.
This bum acts like he is doing the Congress a favor by allowing his butt-wipes to talk behind closed doors and without having anything written/typed down! Is this fool on another planet or what? President Bush's medication must be wearing off or either Cheney is hiding it from him again.
This illegitimate president has had six years of ass kissing republicans in both the House and the Senate doing whatever he asked them to do with no accountability for anything said or done. Now he's having a spasm because there is no one to coddle his sorry ass and daddy can do nothing to bail this piece of shit " C " student out this time!