Thursday, March 22, 2007

According To Snow, Congress Has No Oversight Authority

  Here's a comment from that brilliant constitutional expert Tony Snow while he was on on ABC this morning:

The executive branch is under no compulsion to testify to Congress, because Congress in fact doesn't have oversight ability. So what we’ve said is we’re going to reach out to you – we’ll give you every communication between the White House, the Justice Department, the Congress, anybody on the outside, any kind of communication that would indicate any kind of activity outside, and at the same time, we’ll make available to you any of the officiels you want to talk to …knowing full well that anything they said is still subject to legal scrutiny, and the members of Congress know that.   Source

   So I would guess that the Bush Crime Family doesn't think that Congress has any oversight authority? This clan of clowns gets more ignorant by the minute!


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Iraqi Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi Says Coalition Withdrawal Would Lead To Chaos

   It would seem that George Bush has now gotten the White house talking points to spread to the leaders in Iraq as Iraqi Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi has stated that Iraq would be tossed into chaos if the U.S. - led coalition forces withdrew from the country before his national troops are ready to deal with security on their own.  Source

     "We need the coalition forces to stay in Iraq until our national troops are qualified enough to look after security," Hashemi told a think tank seminar in Tokyo, where he is on a four-day official visit.
   "They are, at the time being, not."

His comments come as U.S. Democratic leaders predicted that the House of Representatives would pass a war-funding bill that sets a strict timetable for withdrawing American combat troops from Iraq.

"If we say that we need one year, one and a half years or even two years to go into a detailed, comprehensive reform for MOD (Ministry of Defense) and MOI (Ministry of Interior) units, we need the coalition forces to stay until this job has been fulfilled," he said.

"If the American troops pull out, withdraw, before we complete this plan, there is a possibility that the country might slide into chaos and the chaos could lead to a civil war," he said, adding that it could also lead to regional unrest.

   To Mr. Hashemi I say, your national troops have had more than enough time to get their act together. If they haven't been able to learn anything with the help of the United States and other by now, then I would say that going it alone is a better option for the Iraqis because they will damned sure learn something on the job if they are the ones responsible for their well being.

    The U.S. troops are being sent into Iraq without the proper training and equipment and they are learning the ropes with on the job training so the Iraqi forces can also do the same.

  The United States has spilled enough of its blood for Iraq and this sorry excuse for a president that we have so quit the crying and deal with the problem on your own! It is bad enough that the U.S. will be giving Iraq tons of cash for their reconstruction for decades to come. Iraq does not need any more of the United States troops blood on their soil!



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